MovieChat Forums > It Comes at Night (2017) Discussion > SPOILER: why couldn't they let the other...

SPOILER: why couldn't they let the other family...

What bothers me after the film ended was that they could of let the other family go. Will's family just wanted to leave with some of the food rations that was theirs anyway. What was Paul plan if Andrew was sick, did he intend to keep them in the room or murder them in the end?...but to be fair Sarah was worried that Will might come back to attack them for resources later, still I think murdering the whole family was a bit much just for that reason.
Such a shame..I enjoyed the film but the ending was slightly disappointing. I'm giving it a 8/10 at IMDB because of the originality and twist that there were no supernatural monsters at the end only human monster.


You answer your own question. They didn't let the other family go because they were afraid they'd come back and steal all their resources.


Yes, they didn't want to run the risk of having Will coming back for them. He could have even joined forces with someone else to attack them. Things could have gotten much more complicated had they not dealt with the potential threat right then and there. Of course, they didn't count on their son being infected, so it was a despicable and brutal act and all for nothing.


It's because the filmmakers were more concerned with making the audience feel depressed as oppose to making an enjoyable fun horror movie experience with lots of suspense, mystery and mind bending plot lines.

And that sound when the black dude picks up the lantern must have really sounded unique to the director because he repeats it over and over again, do you know what part I'm referring to?


this was a good movie


Just because it has a depressing tone, does not mean it is a bad movie. There are plenty of “fun” horror movies that achieve no emotional reaction. they wanted to try for something a little different.
