S1 is ok. Rest is crap

It's like the matrix. Should've stopped after 1


I'm getting more and more bored with the show as it's gone along I have to say. I enjoyed season 1 cause it was quite fresh and imaginative and it had that nostalgic value, reminding me of the 80's and spending time with my friends as a kid. Two seasons later and it's more of the same, with the kids being older now with more of them, and there are more monsters thrown into the mix. Seriously though how many times do we need to keep seeing El using her powers on these monsters and having nosebleeds afterwards?

It's not necessarily a fault with the show I suppose, it's just lost its appeal for me. I'm indifferent to the idea of another season. Don't think they can offer anything new anymore.


I agree, but I don't just think it's more of the same, it REALLY lost it's magic in the second season.



Season 1 - unreal good. Best series in years.

Season 2 - unbelievable disappointment, average at best.

I couldn't get past episode 3 of the third season.


Would agree.

Season 2 was watchable (asides from that awful sideshow episode) but didn't really do anything apart from give diminishing returns on the Season 1 storyline.

Season 3 was a bit of joke really. Literally unfortunately.
