Funniest line of S2

"I need my paddles!"

Runner-up: "How do I know he's not a lizard? His face opened up and he ate my cat."

Dustin is great.


My favorite:

Ep 4

"So, how was the pull-out"....


That's actually Episode 6. Re-watching the season and just finished Episode 6. That line and scene happened in Episode 6 and not 4. They don't get to the guy's house until Episode 5. Episode 4 I think Jonathan and Nancy are still in Hawkins. I believe that's the episode they get caught and brought to the energy/power plant (whatever you want to call it) and they capture/record Dr. Owens confessing to everyone there covering up Barb's death along with explaining what really goes on there at the plant. Episode 5 is them traveling to that guy's house and arriving there and giving him the tape of Dr. Owens' confession.


Yeah, I was 6.


More of a full quote...

Max: “It’s crazy but I really liked it. Yeah. Well, I mean, I had a few issues. I just felt like it was a little derivative in parts. I just wish it’d had a little more originality, that’s all.”
This one didn’t make me laugh the most, but it’s my favorite! Why? I think it’s self-explanatory (making a reference to the show’s critics).

A few others

Billy: “Am I dreaming, or is that you, Harrington?”
Steve: “Yeah, it’s me. Don’t cream your pants.”

Bob:“I love Kenny Rogers”

Dustin: “Hey, Buddy, Shhh! It’s okay, you put up a good fight!”

Dustin: “Holy sh-“

Lucas: “Even when she’s wrong?”
Mr. Sinclair: “She’s never wrong, son.”

Bob: “What’s at the X? Pirate treasure?” 😉

And so many of Dustin’s lines, period.


My favorite was Dustin Harrington fight quote, that was just so funny! =)
