MovieChat Forums > Mayhem (2017) Discussion > Probably going to be a cult classic

Probably going to be a cult classic

OK...I'm amazed that no one seems to have seen this film yet; especially TWD fans.

Steven Yeun gets his leading man status in this and probably does as good a job as anyone could. It's a black comedy satirizing the cold sociopathic corporate world (or the government) and has not a smidgen of subtly about it. It's an over the top, cartoonish, balls to the walls bloodbath gamer kind of film that holds no prisoners.
Everyone in this movie is pretty much a bad guy with Steven Yeun and Samara Weaving representing the only possible option we have for designated "good guys." Samara Weaving, as Steven's sidekick, does an eerie job of channeling Margot Robbie from Suicide Squad..This had crossed my mind as I watched it and then saw a similar impression in a there must be something to it.
The reviews on this are all pretty favorable.

My impression might be that I'm not sure I would've watched it without the lure of Steven Yeun.
I know it's all tongue in cheek and the endless gore, gratuitous though it may be, didn't bother me as a more realistic scenario might ..But I think it might have been more effective if at least a few of the corporate devils had had a softer side that one could empathize with...But, no.. they're all one dimensional demons that are less individuals than a corporate mass (representing the all powerful on mt Olympus) we would like to see collectively burn.


Yeah, it was brutal and awesome.


the thing is that even though i liked this film quite a lot, it missed one thing: rewatchability. the thing with cult classics is, that you can watch them over and over again. out of the films i have recently watched the best ones were "radius", "happy death death" and "mayhem". IMHO the first two have potential for cult classics and i have already seen both two times. with "mayhem" it was a great one time experience, but i doubt that i would ever feel like having to rewatch it.


I am interested in it but I am waiting for it to pop up on Netflix or Amazon Prime.


I enjoyed it.


I just saw it. Never heard of it before. I was on tubi searching for movies with Samara Weaving in them and saw it was leaving tubi today. Of course I watched it.

I am very impressed by how well-written and -constructed it is, with droll humor as well as broad humor and a narrative that was not just pulled out of someone’s arse. It’s like the people who made it actually gave a damn and did not just depend on it being a success because the typical core audience for stuff like this is teens. It was much better than it needed to be in order just to make money.

Note bene: “cold, psychotic corporate culture” is a redundancy.


Awesome !


It was pretty enjoyable, a good poke at the cutthroat corporate life and Yeun made for a good lead. Weaving was quite tough and sexy and the rest of the cast did well enough. Good flick👍


I enjoyed this a lot. It's silly but rewatchable. I had a shudder subscription and saw this. My draw was Samara Weaving. She's fun with horror flicks and handles comedy well. The director is also a reason I watched this. You can see him in Holliston.
