
That name pops up every time I see Monica. It's very distracting. As if Taylor Sheridan had no native American actors to choose from. Ridiculous.


Absolutely pitiful that they would cast an Asian girl in this role. You can find PLENTY of Native Americans that could play this role. What the fuck......




Couldn't have been her acting skills. She's more wooden than the Black Forest.


Does it matter? She looks NA, she's attractive, and she's doing a great job as Monica.


Yes, it does. She's a terrible actress.


So you base your characters on looks? And she's not the best actress. You gotta look beyond her pretty face.


Looks is one of the things, yes. Do you find that strange?

I also commented that besides being attractive, she looked the part of NA and she was doing a great job as Monica. So you see, I'm not just basing her on her looks, but I think a handsome charismatic character like Casey would have a very attractive wife. She doesn't need to be the best actress, she only needs to be believable as Casey's wife and as a NA. In my opinion, she meets those criteria.

I also think the woman they have playing Rainwater's lawyer is just terrible and a bad miscast (you may think otherwise). There's nothing convincing about her as that character to me. She reminds me of Elizabeth McGovern in Downton Abbey - just so badly miscast and out of place skill wise with the rest of the actors on that show. All the women characters up to this point (in my opinion) have been well cast except for her.


It's even worse because she pulled an Elizabeth Warren by claiming she had NA heritage which was debunked by a NA tribe she claimed to be a part of.


That's certainly true, but for me anyway, that has nothing to do with the actor's portrayal of Monica as I watch the show. For me, she pulls off the part. The actor who plays Rainwater's lawyer is distracting to me. For me, she's badly miscast. Others may think differently.

The bigger questions though is that if we demand a NA actress play Monica, does that mean that NA actors are to be limited to only NA roles?


Depends if the NA heritage matters in that role. On Yellowstone, she plays a sjw, so it does matter. It feels more authentic to see a NA play a NA.


Everyone knows that NA actors are always played by Jews and Italians...


lol and Mexicans as well as white folk with a bit of make up.


You self righteous assholes need to get over this
