MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > Finally good quality on YouTube

Finally good quality on YouTube

It is not stealing because we did pay to see the movie in theaters a lot of times


I watched An HD quality Stream last night of it....Literally couldnt tell the different between the stream and Blu Ray....

If you or anyone else is interested... PM and I'll send you the site....

The Sites also Got HD quality Rips of Deadpool 2 and JW: Fallen Kingdom already....

I saw AIW twice in theaters and Just watched it again last night....Every time I watch it, I become even more BLOWN AWAY by Thanos....

for me, Hes the second greatest Villain in CBMs history(behind Ledgers Joker), But after my 3rd viewing last night I officially feel Thanos Is the BEST overall Villain In Any CBM ever based on his Story,Ark,motives Performance and Incredible CGI....Ledgers Joker for Me is still Number 1 SOLELY based on on Ledgers ALL TIME Great Performance...

but I do not believe Ledgers Jokers is the better overall villain or has a better overall story, Motives or Ark....All of those things IMO now go to Thanos....but I still have Ledgers Joker Ranked #1 SOLELY due to Ledgers Stunning Performance...

I personally think theres a very good chance if Avengers 4 is as great as AIW and Thanos continues to have such an incredible Ark.....

It will cement Thanos as the Universal Best Villain In CBM history....

I dont think It will be a landslide, Ledgers Joker is and Will always be Relentlessly LOVED...

But I do think in the coming years, when polls and articles are written....Thanos Will be ranked # 1 slightly more than Ledgers Jokers, It may be very slight, Maybe like 52/48% or 55/45%....but I think If Avengers 4 is great, Thanos Will overtake Ledgers Joker as the greatest CBM villain ever


While I accept your opinion I respectfully disagree.

I find Magneto, General Zod, and Killmonger to be better villains than Thanos. Honestly I am so amazed at how people view infinity war as the second coming. It's a hit but all these films surpass it critically.

The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight rises
Spider-man 2
Black Panther
X-men Days of Future Past
The Avengers
Iron Man
Guardians of the Galaxy
Superman the movie

So if we are going to crunch numbers infinity war isn't even top 10 superhero films ever made. I don't see what it did that was such a game changer. It killed off people who we know will be revived next film.


completely agree My view on Thanos is Just My Opinion...but I do feel that the facts do back me up when I say The Majorit now sees Thanos as The 2nd best villain in CBM history....theres already been several major sites do polls, and Thanos has come in 2nd in all of them...

I also completely agree that all the movie you mentioned surpass AIW critically....

AIW for me isnt the Best CBM ever...

My top 5 are...

The Avengers
The Dark Knight
Captain America 2
Avengers Infinity War

I feel The Avengers, TDK and Logan are the 3 greatest CBMs ever made and theres no right answer which order they go...anyone who has Avengers #1 or The Dark Knight #1 or Logan #1 are Justified...

after those 3, I then have about 10 CBMs that I feel all have a claim to spots 3 through 13....

Captain America 2
Avengers Infinity War
Civil War
Guardians Of The Galaxy
The Dark Knight Rises
Man Of Steel(I'm in the minority here , But I love this movie despite some Awful flaws, my god "Tornadocide" was awful)
Wonder Woman
Iron Man

Also worth Noting....these CBMs-
Black Panther
Spider-Man 2
Superman The Movie
X-Men 2
X-men Days of Future Past

I dont like as much as others, But I completely recognize that I'm in The Minority and MOST consider these CBMs as some of the Greatest and Best of All time-

As For Villains, my top 10 are-
#1-Ledgers Joker
#3-The Winter Soldier(In Captain America 2)
#4 Tom Hardy's Bane
#5-Alfred Molina's Doc Ock
#6-Tom Hiddleson's Loki(Entire Run In All MCU Films)
#7-Colin Farrell's Bullseye(lol I LOVED IT)

Worst CBM Villains Of All Time-
#1-Leto's Joker
#2-Jesse Esienburg's Lex Luthor
#3-Whedon's Ultron(IMO the biggest Disappointment of All time)
#4-Steppenwolf(Dear God!)
#5-Zack Snyders Doomsday(AKA King Kong Sized Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Cavetroll)
#6-Shane Black The Mandarin(one of the biggest creative failures of all time)
#7-Jamie Fox's Electro and The Writer that wrote his awful character
#8-Galactus in Fantastic Four(A Giant Cloud?)
#10-TIE between Malekith The Dark Elf/Cara Delevingne's Enchantress

So if we are going to crunch numbers infinity war isn't even top 10 superhero films ever made. I don't see what it did that was such a game changer. It killed off people who we know will be revived next film.


we are in complete disagreement here, but thats fine.....

but I again feel, based on the Majority consensus, AIW is a top 10 CBM.....

In The years to come, I would bet in the Majority of Polls and "Best CBMs Lists" and articles done....AIW is in the top 10 In the overwhelming Majority of them, probably in the top 5....


Lets wait and see how he does when almost a decade passes. I stronlgy doubt Thanos will even be nominated for an academy award much less win one. That is a huge thing Ledger has going for him over Thanos. Even if he surpasses him in polls there is more to it than that. Critics have a voice also.

While I respect your top 3 I personally think Avengers is good but I think The Dark Knight surpasses it in many ways.

The Dark Knight has better cinematography, editing, writing, and much better music. Nothing in the Avengers outside the visuals is anything Oscar worthy. Avengers got one nomination The Dark Knight got quite a few. Not to mention it is the very reason the best picture Oscar slot got pushed to more than 5 possible nods. Everyone was livid The Dark Knight did not get a best picture nod. Superman the movie had more cutting edge stuff technically for when it was made than Avengers did. I myself think Superman the movie is better than the Avengers. Dated yes but in many ways there are things about it that hold up great. Reeve's performance, him and Kidder's chemistry, Terrence Stamp's brief intro as Zod. I would much rather watch a dated film with great writing and characters than a modern one with bland writing and forgettable characters.

It is why Superman the movie is a far better film than Man of Steel. People can take the flash I will take the substance personally. Now Logan yes I can see that one argued against The Dark Knight. It has strong cinematography and a gutsy ending. Hugh Jackman probably gave the best lead performance of any superhero. The fact that it does not cop out and feels like a very personal story is fantastic. The western feel was great and unique for a superhero film. It commits to what it is and achieves it with flying colors. It scored a best adapted screenplay nomination and well deserved.


Lets wait and see how he does when almost a decade passes. I stronlgy doubt Thanos will even be nominated for an academy award much less win one. That is a huge thing Ledger has going for him over Thanos. Even if he surpasses him in polls there is more to it than that. Critics have a voice also.



Never said or even remotely HINTED that Thanos would Win a academy award....

I dont think your understanding that I'm in No way putting any shade toward Ledger's Joker....

In Fact, I'm Overwhelming Praising Him...Ledgers JOker is universally Looked at as The Greatest CBM villain of all time and one of the greatest Movie villains of all time, and I 100% agree with that....

as for his Academy Award, It was 1000% deserved( I absolute Hate when Fans try to desperately claim He only won because he DIED)....Ledger Gave An ALL TIME great performance and He would have won that award if he lived or Died...

That is a huge thing Ledger has going for him over Thanos. Even if he surpasses him in polls there is more to it than that. Critics have a voice also.


again I dont think your quite understanding what I'm saying...

Ledger PERFORMANCE that Netted him A completely deserved Oscar, IS THE REASON why I'm not putting Thanos ABOVE Ledgers Joker....

Right Now, I feel Thanos was the overall better villain when it comes to Motives, character, and Threat....I also feel Brolin gave a Great Performance that was Exceeded by Even Better CGI...

But Thats Not enough IMO to Trump Ledgers Performance, Thanos IMO May have Been The better Overall Character/Villain By A Little Bit....But Ledgers Performance is so ALL TIME Great It Trumps It....

So basically....Believe Me I give Ledger His Complete Due for his Performance and Understand how much his Oscar Means

If you want to argue Ledgers Joker Will always be The Most Critically Loved Villain, Thats Fine....But I stand by that I believe if Avengers 4 is great, Thanos will Slightly Pass Ledgers Joker In The Majority of Polls, Lists and Articles in the years to come...

While I respect your top 3 I personally think Avengers is good but I think The Dark Knight surpasses it in many ways.


I think They Surpass each other in Many ways...realistically They are about as Different as 2 CBM's can be ....I think They BOTH hit the highest Possible Level for what they were Trying to achieve...

If were talking purely Overall Movie, Judging on a technical level....The Dark Knight is a better made movie...

If were talking Literally Bringing The Feel Of Comics to Life and Literally Giving Fans and Audiences Everything they could possibly want ....The Avengers Is Highest Possible Level....You got to understand 6 years ago The Avengers was a fantasy, Bringing Heroes from Different Movie franchise together in the same film was AN EVENT....and The Avengers Simply gave Audiences exactly what they wanted...The decision to go with a simply story and Instead Highlight the interactions between the team and Incredible Action was Genius....Its Sounds weird now that theres been 6 to 8 Major team up films but The Avengers was The FIRST...Audiences didnt need some deep, character driven Audiences you want to see "The TEAM UP", You want to see These Heroes come together and have Incredible action...and I just think The Avengers NAILED The FIRST TEAM UP Film as PERFECTLY as you possibly could....

Basically My entire argument for The Avengers being as Great or Better than The Dark Knight comes down to It as A COMIC BOOK MOVIE....I'll never argue it is as Technical, has the same writing or is as deep, but IMO The Avengers May be The Best any has ever done and Will every do at bringing a COMIC Book to life...It was a game changer in Bringing Characters from other Franchises together in one film, It delivered audiences things they had never seen(at that time) and It truly was in a way "Star Wars" for a new Generation, The Theatrical Experience of this film is incredible, It had so Many OMG and Leap outs moments that....The reports from screenings and reports coming from Opening Weekend were unlike anything I've seen...This film delivered an experience that was the HIGHEST POSSIBLE Level....

I also Think Logan Is on the same Level as The Dark Knight when in Comes to a technical Level, character driven and overall Movie....

Logan continues to Amaze me more every time I see it...I think It had 2 Oscar Worthy Performances in Jackman and Stewart...and One Break Out Incredible performance in Dafny....I have no clue why Fox hasnt JUMPED ALL over an X-23 film with Dafny in The Lead, She STOLE the movie and I think most who saw Logan would absolutely see an X-23 film with her in the lead


Overall, I think were pretty much in agreement about A lot...I just think you are underrating The Avengers, but A lot of your arguments comes down to Critics and Critically consensus, and I completely understand why you dont consider Avengers on the same level as Logan and TDK if you judging SOLELY on that....for Me, I judge The Avengers differently, I completely agree its not Technically on the same level as the others, But there are so many other things that IMO Put it on the same level(Or better)

What are your Top 10 CBM's?

also have You seen Unbreakable With Bruce Willis? if so thoughts?


Yeah I get what you are saying. However answer me this what makes Thanos so much richer than somebody like Magneto? How strong a villain is has little to me to do with how good of a villain they are. Am I saying power means nothing no but as I am sure you know more powerful does not automatically mean better. Joker and Thanos are both entirely different types of animals as far as a villain. Sometimes the mystery adds to the character.

Joker and Anton from No Country For Old Men share a similarity in the fact that they are both unstoppable forces of nature. Both are agents of chaos. Their lack of backstory and the mystery surrounding them is what makes them special. With a villain like Magneto or Thanos you delve deep into why they think the way they do. No mystery is behind them really you know exactly why they feel the way they do. However to me it is much easier to relate to Magneto. He may not be the most powerful X-men villain but he is a much better villain than Apocalypse. In my opinion he is better than Thanos also. Both Ian Mckellen and Michael Fassbender are great as him.

I put it like this Avengers is a better superhero movie The Dark Knight is a better film. Does Avengers give you exactly what you want yes. It was a mere pipe dream seeing all your heroes throw down in the same movie back in the day. Although the first team up superhero film was X-men. The issue with the first is while competent it centered heavily around Wolverine and the heroes were not captured in their full element. In Avengers you get to see your heroes all do what you love seeing them do.

The benefit the MCU had was being able to have each character from Avengers have their own solo movie. This made it to where when the Avengers came you it did not have to be bogged down by introduction or explanation of their stories. You could have the brief get together and then deliver on the goods. The first X-men had the issue of having to set everything up in that first film.


I agree wholeheartedly about Logan. I would still give the tiny edge to The Dark Knight. The main reason is Joker was just incredible. However if someone argued Logan against it I have no issue.

Anyhow let me make a tiny interjection. What bugs me is the movie Sin City which came out in 2005 gets no credit at all for capturing the comics. Here is the thing if you read the Sin City comic book and watch the movie the comic is literally on the screen! Like right down to everything. The casting is impeccable. Now I know it is not your typical superhero fair like Spider-man, Batman etc but in my book that movie captured it's source material better than anything did. While I love Nolan's Batman it is not a comic book translation. It strips away the fantasy elements. Which is fine it worked but Sin City gets so overlooked I feel.

I personally also do not think you give Superman the movie enough due but that might be just my opinion. Yes I have seen Unbreakable in my book a highly underrated film that was ahead of it's time. Yes I know M. Night has become a cinema punching bag but I felt that one was legitimate good. I saw Split and am very excited for Glass.

Anyway top 10.

The Dark Knight
Superman the movie
Spider-man 2
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight Rises
Sin City
X-men Days Of Future Past
Black Panther
The Avengers

honorable mentions

Iron Man
Captain America Winter Soldier
Hellboy 2
Guardians of the Galaxy
Avengers Infinity War
Superman 2 the Richard Donner cut
Blade 1 and 2 I know they are B films but I love them. Despite some horrible cgi lol.
V For Vendetta.


Well....another thread to ignore due to verbal diarrhea....

