MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > A moving climax, but otherwise overrated

A moving climax, but otherwise overrated

This is easily the least of the Avengers trilogy. Not to mention "Captain America: Civil War" and "Thor: Ragnarok" are significantly more compelling and all-around entertaining. Actually, all three Thor flicks are palpably superior, as is “Iron Man 2."

“Infinity War” is certainly an ambitious comic book movie in that it notably juggles so many super-beings, but this lack of focus isn’t conducive to suspense or great drama. It’s okay at best with overkill CGI. The big battle in the closing act with the easily slaughtered four-armed dog-creatures is curiously dull; moreover, the attempts at humor feel out-of-place and mostly fall flat. But the film gets extra points for a bold, poignant climax, which sets up the 2019 sequel.

In any case, People giving it 10/10 and calling it “the greatest superhero movie ever” need a serious reality check.

I give it a C+


I liked it, but not as much as I thought I would.

Ant-Man is still my #1 Marvel flick, and Thor Ragnarok is probably #2. Never would have thought a Thor movie would rank in my favorites.


I liked it too in a "meh" sort of way. But the ending was moving and a quality cliffhanger for the (hopefully great) finale.


Definitely the best of the Avengers trilogy thus far ...Avengers-1 was a solid 8/10, Ultron was imo very "meh" 6/10, and Infinity gets a 9/10.

That said, I'd give both Civil War and Thor Rag a 9/10 as well.


For Me:

1. Age of Ultron: 8/10
2. Avengers: 7/10
3. Infinity War: 5/10

Both Civil War and Ragnarok get a 9/10 from me for all-around entertainment.


Ultron was complete vomit compared to Infinity.


"Age of Ultron" is easily the best of the Avengers trilogy. "Infinity War" is seriously overrated; it's relatively dull until the moving climax. But if you think it's a superhero masterpiece more power to ya.


LOL ...didn't use the word "masterpiece", only that is was the best of the series so far. Note that I didn't give it a 10/10. With regards to your beloved Ultron, please tell what the Thor dream sequence was meant to represent and what value it had?


I gave "Age of Ultron" 8/10, how exactly is that “beloved”? All I said was that it was the best of the trilogy IMHO. I also rated “Civil War” and “Ragnarok” higher.

In regards to “Infinity War,” a 9/10 or 10/10 rating obviously signifies that the viewer highly favors the movie; so the term "masterpiece" isn't unreasonable. I don't hand out 9s or 10s very often but, when I do, I think it's a stellar example of the genre, whatever that may be, and would have no qualms classifying such movies as “masterpieces” (for their particular kind).

I found "Age of Ultron" a quality superhero team movie. The first film was so over-hyped that it was almost impossible NOT to be let down a little. It started good, but the set-up went on & on and wasn't overly absorbing, plus way too much time was spent on the SHIELD heli-carrier, which created a somewhat one-dimensional vibe; lastly, although Loki was a worthy villain, his army of Chitauri were stereotypically ee-vil, faceless villains who were basically just canon-fodder for the Avengers.

I liked “Age of Ultron” better because the ‘origin’ element was out of the way and the setting of the story isn't one-dimensional. There are numerous locations (England, Seoul, Bangladesh, South Africa and Italy), and additional characters like Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. Ultron made for a worthy villain and the over-the-top action sequences are balanced out by quality character bits, like the Black Widow/Hulk/Banner relationship. Furthermore, the third act delivers with the requisite earth-threatening crisis.


There are so many quality superhero movies at this point that a new one is pretty much just more of the same. So "Avengers 2" creates a bit of a been-there-seen-that vibe, but it's well done for what it is. What makes me grant it a fairly high rating, besides the positives noted, are a couple of moving parts, the subplot about Thor's hammer, and the revelation of another character in the third act that I wasn't expecting, which elicits a "Wow" reaction if you're familiar with the comic and even more so when you observe the tie-in to the aforementioned hammer.

Lastly, there's a lot to take in with "Avengers 2," which makes it worthy of repeat viewings.

Speaking of which, here’s a cogent explanation of the dream sequences:


I'd give it like a B. There isn't much to engage besides all of the action but the villain has an interesting world view, it has some pretty moving moments, and the ending is something else.

Have a short review of this movie if anyone is interested-
