MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > Avengers IW is gonna lead to The Most Su...

Avengers IW is gonna lead to The Most Successful Year In CBM history for Marvel Studios....

Marvel Studios is getting ready to set a record that May never be broken.....

They are getting ready to make between 3.7 to 4 Billion + in One year from 3 MCU films

2018 with....

Black Panthers 1.335 M + gross

Avengers IW's possible 2 Billion + gross

and Ant-Man and The Wasp with what I believe will be a 600 to 725 Million dollar gross.

Marvel Studios, 10 years and 19 films deep are about to have their greatest success and IMO have the greatest year ever in CBM history resulting in a 3.7 to 4 Billion + gross with 3 films...

I dont see this record EVER being Broken...

Next year May be the only chance with Avengers 4, Captain Marvel and Spider-Man 2 coming out....but SM and Captain Marvel are either going to need to make about 1 Billion each, or one needs to have Black Panther type success and gross 1.3 Billion while the other grosses 700 Million...

were witnessing history right now


Are you getting a cut of any of that loot?


Are you getting a cut of any of that loot?

lol the old "who cares about box office your not getting a cut" one liner...

no queen, I'm not making any money, I've been following box office for over 15 years, I enjoy it, I'm also a CBM's fan and MCU fan so It makes me happy when movies I like, do great at the box office.

I get it, your angry, You dont like that Disney is having this kind of success, But you dont need to break out terrible one liners....Do you honestly believe anyone follows box office does so because they believe they are getting a cut?

its one of the most absurd and idiotic statements you can make, and truly is ONLY said when you are angry because a film that YOU DONT LIKE is having Great Success

if your a fan of box office or follow box office stats like this jump out because they truly are historic...I was looking up some stuff today, and so far I cant find any 2 films released by 1 studio back to back that have been more successful than Disney With BP and AIW...

I think(not 100%) but think BP and AIW are the 2 most successful 1-2 punch ever released by a studio...

thats historic, Its worth noting...then when you add Ant-Man 2 on top of realize as far as CBM's go this is going to be a record that may never be broken, I dont see any studio ever again releasing 3 CBM's that make 4 Billion in the same year

If none of this interests you, thats fine...but next please just dont respond at all instead of responding with one of the dumbest comments ever created!


Wait, doesn't 95% of what you talk about not involve the 'box office' and 'profitability'? Do you get a cut of that loot when talking about them? LOL


No more than you get a cut from the ludicrous (and almost always incorrect) predictions YOU make, you club-footed baboon.


Stupendous. Monumental. And very well-deserved.



Meanwhile, at DC...

"We're about 15 billion behind at this point. What's our next answer?"


A lot of people were laughing at Wonder Woman's prospects, too.


A lot of people were laughing at Wonder Woman's prospects, too.

and there still laughing after She Couldnt save Justice League from FLOPPING!

why didnt audiences show back up to see her in Justice League?

lol if you want to argue that Wonder Woman and her Solo Movies are in good shape, fine theres at least an argument to be made there(although I'm almost certain WW2 is going to have a big drop, 2 out of the 3 movies WW has been in has been awful)

but you can't use Wonder Woman to try and make the point "DC is in good shape"....its clear that the audience that saw WW did not carry over to Justice League.

Had Justice League been a Huge hit, had the audience came over from WW, you could then make the argument, that maybe the DCEU is heading in the right direct and is in good shape...

but thats not even remotely what happened, Its looking more and more like WWs success was entirely due to the Womans movement that was behind it, It was Perceived as "The First Womans Superhero Movie"...and thats why film drastically over performed

WW 2 wont have that Marketing point..Justice League didnt have that Marketing point despite having Wonder Woman in it.

basically you can not point to Wonder Woman and suggest it in any way means its success will carry over to the Other DC films, We already know it doesnt

right now the DCEU is on life support due to 4 out of 5 Awful films.....again if you want to believe Wonder Woman 2 is gonna due great, thats fine, thats about the only thing WW1s success may carry over to, as for The DCEU itself and upcoming films, WWs success did nothing, The Audience did carry over, The Audience that cause WW to exceeded expectations, ONLY saw the film because they felt it was important and made them proud...that audience isnt showing up to any future DCEU films

I suspect, WW2 is gonna have a huge decrease due to the awful reception of JL and because Its going to be impossible to replicate the hype and Movement the first WW got(so you know I'm not biased, I feel exactly the same about Black Panther, I do not expect that audience that caused BP to over perform to carry over to BP2, you can only have one "1st" and both WW and BP were precieved as The "1st Black and Womans superhero" movie, I think BP 2 will make maybe 950 to 1 B+ but have a Huge decrease)

it conclusion...the Poster was making fun of DC

you responded by bragging about WWs success, Your response does not make sense because WWs Success did nothing for The DCEU and none of audience carried over...

If your just pointing that 1 of the 5 DCEU films was a success, fine(a little SAD) but Fine

but if you were pointing out WWs success to somehow try and suggest that means the DCEU is in good shape...It makes zero sense, WW had no impact on the DCEU, None of the audience carried over, the DCEU is in WORSE shape after Before WW, A film with Batman and Superman made 870M....the film immediately after WW that featured Batman and Superman made 658 M....The state of the DCEU is actually Worse after WW came out...

Epic fail queen...Just wasnt thinking as usual...

PS...I want to take back my previous statement of "and there still laughing after She Couldnt save Justice League from FLOPPING!" I'm not sure anyone is actually laughing...I think at this point everyone is just SAD, Depressed and Over it...

Justice League FLOPPING...truly isnt a laughing matter, Its SAD that things could go this badly...

Yes Marvel fans love to make fun of The DCEU failures but I honestly believe at this point, after the failures of MOS, SS and especially BvS, I think even Marvel Fans would kinda feel sorry for DC fans and would probably have been somewhat happy for them if JL turned out Great and they final Got a great DCEU film...

what has happened with The DCEU films and WBs completely inability to understand how to make these characters and movies work is Astonishing...and to top it off, WB isnt just not make good films....they are actually Making them Worse films by trying to make them better...WB has wildly interfered in The Post Production of 3 DCEU films, Making them actually WORSE films than they originally were...With BvS, SS and JL...WB literally sabotages their own movies and made them worse...


its not funny anymore....Its going to take years and Many Great film to get the audiences they lost back...

Batman went from a proven billion dollar + earner before Snyder got a hold of him to a character that cant even make 700 M...

the ONLY thing that makes the even remotely "Ok" is DC fans , They deserved some of this, I remember after BvS was a trainwreck, I said many time, The DC fans base deserved this...

No fanbase in history behaved like DC fans did after BvS was announced, they went on a 2 years trolling rampage that was simply Pathetic...They deserved to get Burnt by BvS...

I can no longer make that claim, Theyve had enough, they do not deserve this anymore...they've been more than punished....

anyway, I'm out


Well...Aquaman can be a huge success even as this current construct of a DCEU falls to the wayside.

All of those trapped in the mindset of a DCEU don't realize is that WB has probably scrapped it and we are seeing auteur-driven solo films that MAY become a UNIVERSE if they are successful.

There is a turning coming.


for once I completely agree with you...

But I'm not sure you even understand what you just said.

your saying and admitting, The DCEU films have been so disappointing, that WB is probably scrapping the DCEU formula and trying a different direction

which I agree with, But to be on this route, The DCEU has to be In terrible shape and as of your right now has FAILED, for WB to be completely scrapping the DCEU and going back to solo/character driven stories, that 1000% means They dont feel they can go forward with The DCEU, It has been so damaged and Been Disappointing, They now feel scrapping and starting a complete new direction will be More Successful than going forward with The DCEU after 4 out of 5 awful films and The complete embarrassment of JL

thats what you just said, and I completely agree, I just find it odd that you are admitting to it given the lengths you go to to defend WB and The DCEU films.

I complete agree upcoming DC films can be successful, especially if they are taking a completely different Plan and distantly themselves from The 5 DCEU films

but that is the future, and Right now, from 2016 to right now and going forward until WB produces either successful DCEU films or hits it big by starting over, You can not claim The DCEU is in good shape or is RED HOT..Right now in your own words The DCEU is almost certainly being scrapped for a different approach, that mean the current state of the DCEU is Dire and The last 3 years and have been deemed a failure and Not worth going forward anymore by WB...

your more than within your rights if you wont to believe The future DC films are going to do great( I also believe WB/DC will start having success in the next 5 years)

I dont know if there is a "turning" coming but I do believe if WB has made the decision to Scrap/distance future DC movies from The DCEU, there will be more Success taking this approach...

and 100% clear thats what is happening....

They already set WW2 in the 80s, Pre Justice League so WW2 can be a complete solo movie...

Matt reeves is trying everything in his power to get Batman recast

Shazam is described as A "Family Film"

Aquaman is James Wans baby...

a "turn" may be coming, but there no getting around, the only way a "Turn" happens or is needed is because The current state of the DCEU is a total failure

reply you are re-writing history again. WW is the only hit in the DCEU?

Excuse me...BVS didn't make a profit? I KNOW Suicide Squad made huge profits and is getting a HQ sequel.

Lying bill strikes again.

reply you are re-writing history again. WW is the only hit in the DCEU?


thats not even remotely what I said, I said 4 out of the 5 DCEU have been awful .it has resulted in WB scrapping the DCEU for a completely new approach

3 of the 5 DCEU films profits have been pathetic

They spent over 400 M dollars on BvS to make 100 Million in profit, for caparison Ant-Man was more profitable than BvS...

and the real thing that makes BvS NOT a HIT....It was so hated, The reactions were so awful, It get all hope and Hype for JL, over 25% of the audience that saw BvS did not come back for its sequel JL...BvS was supposed to be the movie that started a Cinematic Universe, It was supposed to set up other DCEU films to succeed, Instead it KILLED the DCEU and made JL perform Worse...

MOS made 42 Million In profit...WB spend over 300 M on MOS to make 42 M...thats one of the worst invests ever... you dont spend/invest 300 M expecting to get such a shocking low profit back...theres a reason why MOS2 never happened, WB wasnt happy with MOS performance or profits ...that can not be called a hit

Justice League Lost 60 what should have easily been the highest grossing DCEU film, Its the lowest and FLOPPED

^ if this is what WB is getting in return for Making DCEU films, its not worth going forward and these film cant be hits...they are incredibly disappointment and Failures despite making a small profit

Suicide Squad made a good profit and is a hit, The problem is, Its a missed opportunity, The reception was so awful, WB knows right now a SS2 is going to be a tough sell and is 100% going to have a HUGE decrease like BvS and JL...SS cant be consider a HUGE success because It is going to be directly responsible for its sequel having a HUGE decrease in Box office...

had SS been good it could have been like GOTG...had it been Liked and recieved well and got audiences wanting more instead,it could have an A HUGE increase... instead its sequel is going to have DROP in box office...

WW2 is a clear hit

lol Marvel Studios have 5 different MCU films that have Made more profit ALONE than all 5 DCEU films COMBINED...

WB is simply spenting/investing way too much money in these films to be getting such little returns...

3 ouf the 5 DCEU films werent worth making and Investing the amount of money they did to ultimately get such a little profit.

I didnt Lie about anything....4 out the 5 DCEU films have been awful and Made such Little profit than cant not be considered successes to WB
