MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > I want Thanos to kill a bunch of the Ave...

I want Thanos to kill a bunch of the Avengers!!

He is one of the mightiests badasses villians in MCU together with Galactus, Apocalypse, Dr. Doom, etc.


He is one of the mightiests badasses villians in MCU together with Galactus, Apocalypse, Dr. Doom, etc.
And what would be the point of that death and mayhem? What would it mean? Why would that even remotely be enjoyable? How would you even relate to that?

Would it be a horror movie? How about a "snuff" film? What would a movie like that tell you about yourself or humanity?

What if Thanos killed a bunch of regular humans instead? Why wouldn't he be the Mightiest BadAss Villain for killing let's say 10,000 people? Let's say he got away with no punishment, no remorse and no consequence. What does it mean to be the Mightiest Bad Ass Villian?

Kid's choice award nomination maybe?


Betcha ten bucks he kills Tony Stark! Permanently!

Because Downey's getting paid too much, Marvel's going to want to get rid of him and his contract.


Because Downey's getting paid too much, Marvel's going to want to get rid of him and his contract.
Tony Stark may indeed be killed but it won't be for the sensationalist reason that you believe. Robert Downey makes a ton of money because he earned it. Downey is neither holding Marvel hostage nor is he pricing himself out of future films. He's getting too old to continue playing the same character without a script that calls for an aging Tony Stark.

Marvel locked many of their stars to long term deals and it was a two way gamble and a bet that succeeded spectacularly for both parties. Downey has used his leverage to get increases for everyone else and it was Ike Perlmutter who wanted to keep salaries down and production costs down to make more money at the expense of moving stories forward. Ike is gone and Civil War netted Downey a big payday and Disney another huge hit.

Marvel will kill off characters that will allow a narrative to move forward not for financial reasons. Do you honestly think Downey as Iron Man isn't making Disney a ton of money?


Robert IS indeed making a lot of money for both Marvel and Disney. But he isn't getting younger. Also there's the personal issue actors may happen to face which is that the people may always remember that actor as that certain character. No actor likes that.


I always find somewhat both annoying and dumb the argument that says that Heroes must die so it is a good movie. Specially Super Hero movies.

It makes no sense whatsoever.

When was the last time Batman died on screen? Never? Ever wondered why?
When was the last time that Superman died on screen [and stayed dead]?
When was the last time Peter Pan died on screen?
When was the last time Goofy died on screen?
Never happened to these characters? Ever wondered why?

Why would anyone want the Hero to die? To make it "edgy"? To make it "dark" and "serious"? I sense some self-loathing from those who defend that the main character [with the main function to be a source of inspiration and wonder] must die so the story makes a point or becomes more "relatable". When the Hero dies, it's no victory. If the viewer "relates" to a dying source of inspiration, that person has issues.


You get a "Like" from me for that post.

So if Thanos poisoned Tony Stark and Pepper by surreptitiously putting something on Tony' armor would that make him the Mightiest of Bad Ass Villains or did he cheat? Let's say Thanos used the Time Gem (Stone) or whatever and aged the Hulk to death would that make him Bad-Ass? Death is neither Good nor Evil.

And as you said what is the purpose of WANTING to see a Hero killed by the Villain? What if Tony fakes bravery and ALLOWS Thanos to kill him in a Thanos-i-cide? Would Thanos be a Bad-Ass Villain? Would the movie be any better? Would Thanos be robbed of his Flawless Victory?

Is it the Killing of the Hero or the Death of the Hero that some posters want?

You speak their lingo, tell me.


that's very kind of you.

"So if Thanos poisoned Tony Stark and Pepper by surreptitiously putting something on Tony' armor would that make him the Mightiest of Bad Ass Villains or did he cheat? Let's say Thanos used the Time Gem (Stone) or whatever and aged the Hulk to death would that make him Bad-Ass? Death is neither Good nor Evil. "

He would still be an utter asshole.

"And as you said what is the purpose of WANTING to see a Hero killed by the Villain? What if Tony fakes bravery and ALLOWS Thanos to kill him in a Thanos-i-cide? Would Thanos be a Bad-Ass Villain? Would the movie be any better? Would Thanos be robbed of his Flawless Victory?"

Self-sacrifice is an honorable death, but if the Hero dies, he failed to be the Hero. The Hero is the one who - being who he is and what he is - overcomes the adversity he is facing.

"Is it the Killing of the Hero or the Death of the Hero that some posters want? "

They want the Hero to die because they see themselves as failed heroes no one knows about. So they hate what they can not be.


I can answer that question. In the movie [spoiler]Logan[/spoiler] [spoiler]Wolverine[/spoiler] died. Thing is it was appropriate because we had seen him so much on screen it was time for a final farewell.

The other question you need to ask is when was the last time a franchise had seventeen films in it? The problem with the MCU that some have is that it has saturated the market. Reeve as Superman lasted 4 films and even that wore out it's welcome. The MCU will not have definitive closure of something like Logan or The Dark Knight Rises. It is too much of a money making machine.

They will milk that for all it is worth. Infinity War will be another film setting up a bunch of sequels just like most MCU films. That is the main issue I myself have with them. The MCU is a big budget tv show with a bunch of forgettable filler episodes.
