MovieChat Forums > Twin Peaks: The Return (2017) Discussion > Did Kyle just drop a hint that there may...

Did Kyle just drop a hint that there may be a Season 4?

Check out his reply to a question put to him on Twitter...


I just peed myself a little.


Showtime would be stupid not to do one, seeing as there was a huge jump in subscriptions because of this one show. It all remains to be seen if Lynch & Frost agree to it, but I am hopeful as Lynch has basically said that though it wasn't planned for another one, he wouldn't rule it out.


The way s3 is going, they seem perfectly set up for s4. Lots of unanswered questions, lots of new characters that are begging for a deeper storyline...i can't even begin to predict how lynch is going to end s3 but i would love to do this all over again in a new season.


Yep! I got Showtime just to watch TP!


"I AM the FBI."



LOL, froggy!


"I AM the FBI."


πŸ˜‰It's a problem, yes?


Unfortunately, I don't see it happening again. Just be glad that we got what we got. I would so love an entire season of Cooper though. Oh please let it happen.


I'm feeling more optimistic having seen that clip that there is the possibility for another season.

Perhaps we should start a campaign to bombard Showtime with requests for more....?


Modica offered to lead the riot, if necessary.


Yes, I will supply the pitchforks.




And I'll provide the torches.


"I AM the FBI."


Seriously though you guys, i am getting the funniest visuals from this....a bunch of crazy twin peaks fans with pitchforks and torches!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Modica, who the fuck brings pitchforks to a riot??!! This is why i like you, fuckin weirdo✌


Old Skol types bring the torches and pitchforks.


"I AM the FBI."


Lol! Yeah, real old witch hunters and stuff.


Or chasing Frankenstein's monster.


"That bad, huh?"


or the headless horseman...


Him too.


"Fruitcake anyone?"


But hell, i've never been in a riot. I don't even know what i'd bring!


A nice Cabernet and perhaps a dish to share?


"He's dead."


No no movieman, too fancy for me. I was thinking RIOT punch and something weird like a trained rabid alligator?


Sounds like a plan to me.


"Damn fine pie!"


Yes, I am a weirdo. I figured I could pitch some hay while I rioted. Two birds with one stone.


I know. Takes one to know one. Im gonna need you to use your pitchfork for something else right now. Lol hint: asshole harassing me. J/k...kindof.


Who is that? I will stick that pitchfork where the sun don't shine.


Lmao thanks you're sweet but he's so not worth it. Sorry to drag you into it, but you know i have a hair trigger bitchswitch and unfortunately i let that loser set me off. Chillin to some portishead now and all is right in the world once again.😊


Hey modica, i do wanna say in all sincerity, that i really do appreciate you and the rest of the guys on here being gentleman to me and keybored as well. I don't mess with social media besides this and honestly i didn't expect much. Glad tp's fans are cool, no matter where you are.


Where am I from? Another dimension...


Lol...sometimes i think so enigmaπŸ˜‰


I am actually a pacifist, and would never probably even hold a pitchfork. But, don't let someone upset you and just concentrate on yourself.


I know you are and i think that's cool. I can't say the same for myself when it comes to ignorant assholes...i get a little scrappy. You are right though of course.


Lynch is pretty much an out of work director ofc he will set it up so there will be another season. but i doubt he will get it. the nostalgia factor has worn off.


I hope you're wrong, bobby. I would LOVE another season, especially with a 100% Coop.


"I AM the FBI."


Lynch wouldn't have to do much 'fishing' to get ideas for Season 4. Audrey for starters, quite a story there. Bobby and Shelly for another. And I was sure wondering why Ontkean, Graham, Laurie and Moira Kelly weren't featured, all major characters. Though I could see Annie getting as far from Twin Peaks as she could, maybe Donna and Catherine too.


You are correct, sir! There is a wealth of stories just waiting to be told there. I just hope Lynch decides to tell them.


"That bad, huh"
