Episode 16 (Spoiler Alert!)

Coop is back!!! YES!!!!!!! It's about time. I don't know if the good guys are going to win in the end, but at least they're now at full strength.


"I am the FBI."


It's interesting that although he's back, he seems fully aware of his alternate life as Dougie Jones, and who Janey-E and Sonny Jim are. He also seems to want to stick with them -- after all, he promised to return, and appeared to mean it sincerely.


Yes, I found that very interesting. One reviewer said he thinks Cooper has had this whole thing planned and arranged the whole time. Don't know about that, but I can hardly wait for the finale.


"I am the FBI."


Didn't Bushnell mention something about an auto accident Dougie was in?


Was that in episode 16?


"People are under a lot of stress, Bradley."


When the cops were interviewing Bushnell about Dougie, forget which episode. He was commenting on how slow Dougie seemed 'at times'.


That seems vaguely familiar Gary, but I don't have a real clear memory of it.


"Fruitcake anyone?"


Yeah but he asked for the 'seed' which was the gold bead that Dougie turned into after re-entering the lodge.
and Coop plucked a hair from his head saying he 'needs another one'
he means another manufactured clone. That new clone is going to be the one returning to Janey and Sunny Jim. R The real Coop is not going back to them, he wants to find Audrey.


Maybe, that's what he wants another double for, but then again, maybe it's for something else entirely. If I were Cooper, I'd stick with Janey-E. The years have not been especially kind to Audrey, while Janey-E is still pretty smokin'.

And that aside, what evidence do we really have that he wants to go after Audrey? He wasn't in any kind of relationship with her before entering the Black Lodge, both of them were with other people at the time. Yes, Audrey was originally intended as a love interest for Cooper back at the beginning of the original series, but Lynch and the rest of the show's creators went in another direction, and it's difficult to see how they could put the two characters together now in any way that doesn't appear forced or artificial, so I hope they don't.


It could be argued that Cooper is the biological father of Sunny Jim, since Jim's father was a clone of Cooper. There must be the same DNA.

But evil cooper is the father of Ricky Horne, so does evil cooper also have that same DNA?
does good coop know what evil coop did? (raping Audrey and Diane)?


Yeah, Cooper even accidentally started to say "Dougie" is going to come back to them. Mr C. made the first one, but Coop is having him replaced with hopefully a better version.



I was fist-pumping and yelling at my screen


That makes two of us, Bro!


"I AM the FBI."


That scene where Cooper came back made all the waiting and frustration worth it. If he came back earlier, it wouldn't have been as sweet.


That is true! I'm SO glad he is back!


"I AM the FBI."


Having him back and so in control is such a gift.


Yes it is. I especially enjoyed his scene with Janey E and Sonny Jim.


"I AM the FBI."


Yes, that was a great, emotional scene. Sad also, because Coop won't be going back to them.


Yes it was, but at least he's going to send them a tolpa to make them a family again.


"I AM the FBI."


What a great actor.

Agent Cooper is the man.
I don't think i could have taken another episode of dougie.


I agree blood. I was about to pop, especially after it looked like had finally snapped out of it
in episode 15. The good guys are now at full strength, and I believe they will defeat Evil Coop
and the forces of darkness!



"I AM the FBI."


If it ends right like that, and we get at least some good Cooper/Audrey interaction, then Twin Peaks will go from being one of my favorite shows to my favorite tv show of all time.


No way. You guys don't really want a twin peaks fairy tale ending, do you? I'll be happy if the entire town doesn't blow up and they don't kill off bobby briggs. Otherwise, anything goes for me.


That might be nice but with Lynch you never know. It might end with a bang, or another huge cliffhanger. We shall see.


"I AM the FBI."


Wild At Heart had a happy fairy tale ending. It even literally had a fairy-like good witch character appear. She was played by......of all people.....Sheryl Lee.


I've heard speculation that Coop goes back to TP and saves Audrey and sends Bad Coop back to the Black Lodge. That may happen, but knowing Lynch, he'll probably leave us with another huge cliff hanger.


"I AM the FBI."


That would be extremely disappointing. Remember the S2 cliff hanger wasn't supposed to be the end of the series. The show just got cancelled. Most loyal fans were extremely dissatisfied with that ending. After people have suffered with that huge blemish on Twin Peaks' legacy for over a quarter century, to go through the process of bringing it back now only to end it in a similar fashion would be a huge middle finger to fans. It's called "The Return", and I'm cautiously optimistic that Lynch and Frost are using this opportunity to set things right.


I understand your feelings, but I don't think he meant torture the fans. I think he just wanted the cliff hanger to draw people into the next season. Then to everyone's surprise the series was canceled by the boneheads at CBS.

And maybe if it ends on a cliffhanger, it means that there will be a season four (hopefully not 25 years in the future).

TP Forever!


"I AM the FBI."


Well hopefully he doesn't make that mistake again just in case, lol. Unlike S2, "The Return" was billed as a stand alone, "limited series" event. They're open to S4 but not necessarily counting on one. That's why I'm cautiously optimistic it won't end on the same down cliff hanger note as before.


We shall see. I can hardly wait for Sunday night.


"Fruitcake anyone?"


No. I am one of these "most loyal fans" and "the last episode" (as we call it) was the best episode of any tv show ever. Im not saying i need the same thing to happen, but if i was into fairy tale endngs id be watching romcoms and not twin peaks.


Most of the episode was great but the very end sucked as a series finale. There are always exceptions, but most fans I've known over the years didn't like it not only because of the various unanswered questions (bank explosion, Ed/Nadine, etc.), but because it left us with the impression that evil had won. One of the best things about Twin Peaks is that it recognizes and celebrates good in its battle against the darkest evils. We've certainly seen that in S3 so far too. Wanting the show to stay true to itself in its penultimate moment has nothing to do with liking "romcoms". Come on now, son.


First of all, not your son. 2Nd you still bore me.


You're still free to piss off then.


Also, they knew the show was getting cancelled when they made "the last episode" that's why they made it so epic. They knew there wasn't gonna be another season. We started hearing about the cancellation about halfway through season 2.


No, a possible cancellation. Everything I've read suggests that a final decision wasn't made until long after the episode had been made, and that Lynch was hoping the cliff hangers would pressure the network into a renewal. I think I even remember hearing about that final decision as a kid around the time the finale aired. Of course networks reverse their cancellation decisions sometimes too.


You're like the young kid that tells the old hippie what woodstock was like because you read it. Go back to the politics board.


You're the moron who claims to find someone "boring" but keeps chirping at him like a Chihuahua. I'm not going anywhere.


No sweetie. You're the only one i find boring.


You don't find me boring enough to stop obsessively replying to me.


Good boy. Have a biscuit.


Lol wow, you aren't too bright, huh?


Wow...you actually came back after that last post. How humiliating for you.


Ive met 100 insecure dickheads like yourself. I never let any of you shut me up.


Maybe I should actually make my posts boring, instead of striking such a nerve that you follow me around like the stupid little triggered bitch you are.


...why this guy never gets laid.


Speak for yourself. You've replied to my allegedly "boring" posts 9 times so far in this thread alone.


Do you make it a habit of harassing femakes online? It kinda makes you a pathetic wanker.


I don't know if you're really a female, but you're definitely the one stalking and trying to harass me.

That's 10 posts and counting, btw.


Lol you keep telling yourself that sweetie. Bye now and good luck with that personality of yours.


Well 11 replies is concrete proof you were lying. Right back atcha on the personality front. And in all seriousness learn to handle someone posting something you disagree with in a mature, rational way. If you're going to resort to insults then pick more realistic, less random ones. Better yet, respond to civil posts in a civil manner without resorting to insults. If you can't refute or engage with what someone else says then either accept that you might be wrong or just live and let live with the disagreement, especially if it's not a response to you in the first place.

Have a nice day.


PS - And definitely don't run off to another thread crying to someone else for help and playing the victim over a spat you started like a pathetic loser, lol.


Gentlemen! You can't fight in here! This is the War Room!


"He's dead."


Ha Ha, that movie's politics are infantile but it's a damn hilarious classic.


Yes it is.

