Thoughts/Questions (some spoilers)

Thoughts/Questions on GotG 2

1. Baby Groot is frickin' adorable. I just want to hug him!

2. Yondu's mind-arrow thing is pretty cool, too. His character also got a nice arc.

3. What was Ego's plan, exactly? [spoiler] What did that blue stuff that covered the planets do? Why did he kill Peter's mother? [/spoiler]

4. Hmm... Could Mantis have been Peter's [spoiler] half-sister? Ego said he spread his seed far and wide... It would make sense for him to keep a useful daughter around. [/spoiler] She was interesting anyway.

5. Did anyone else think that ice guy of the Ravagers looked like the Night's King from Game of Thrones?

6. Drax's booming laughter seemed a little out of character to me. Anyone else think so?

All in all, I'd give it a 9/10. Good humor and heart, and far more emotional than I expected. Great special effects, too.


[spoiler]Ego needed Quill to activate his powers over thousands of worlds. He killed Quill's mom because he loved her and she distracted him from his plans for world domination which is why Quill went against him[/spoiler]


I knew why Ego needed Quill, I just didn't follow Ego's logic [spoiler] in killing Quill's mother. Your answer does help a little. For taking over the planets, did he want to kill everything and start anew with creating everything like on his own planet? Or did he just take control of everything that the blue bubbly stuff touched? [/spoiler]


[spoiler] it was confusing because for a god, he sure needed to fulfill a lot of conditions and steps to accomplish things... I don't if he wanted to destroy everything so much as spread his influence. He looked upon humans in the way that we look at animals... he could love one but ultimately they were a lower form of life to him I think. It wasn't very clear... but maybe when I rewatch it I'll understand it better. [/spoiler]


Yeah, definitely needs a rewatch or two to clear things up, lol. But thanks for your responses anyway. ^.^


Yep... hopefully someone who reads the comics can come and clear this up.


Ego's a different character in the comics, for the most part.


(6) Yes. If Guardians_2 set in just few months after Guardians_1 then Drax should still pretty much "The literal human" same as he is in the first. It looks like they already spent more time than few months together that Drax suddenly become a guy who understand jokes.


Yeah, that's a good point. Maybe they meant to say a few years instead of a few months?

I would get it if he just had no filter and said whatever came to mind (which he does, often), but it just seemed like he was far too easily amused in this movie. I can't remember him laughing much if at all in the first one.


Rewatched it today. I think I figured some of it out.

3. Ego wanted to remake the universe and be everywhere/everything, so the blue stuff did destroy whatever it touched and provide a canvas with which Ego could create life like on his own planet.

4. I still think Mantis could have been Quill's half-sister.

5. Meh, I guess that ice-guy isn't the Night's King. He still looks kinda like one at a quick glance.

Also, I forgot about the Sovereign video-game army, lol. I wonder if they trained without the ships, then allowed "soldiers" to command real ships once they won so many games. XD


I really need to watch this film again. I don't remember a lot you brought up. Guess I shouldn't go to the theater after a long day.


Lol. There was a lot to take in. 😉
