Possibility of being a $1B movie

Do we think Guardians has a shot at being a billion dollar movie? The first film fell $227M short of it. People loved the first movie, they're an established property now, Baby Groot is a thing, and Pratt is now an A-list star. Do we think that this is enough to fill the $227 gap? It would be astonishing if it didn't at least surpass the original, but we'll see. The only real competition it should have is Alien: Covenant. It's also a space movie, but I feel like they'll be targeting very different audiences. Pirates of the Caribbean opens up at the other end of the month, but it will have made most of its money by then.

Looking through what else is opening, I kind of feel bad for Wonder Woman. It looks pretty good, which is a good change of pace, but it opens right after Pirates of the Caribbean. A week later, the Tom Cruise lead The Mummy opens up, with Cars 3 coming the week after. Whatever it has left is going to be finished off once Transformers and Despicable Me open at the end of the month. Later on, Spider-Man will have to deal with Planet of the Apes, Thor will have to handle Justice League, and Justice League will be taking on Star Wars.

Next year is overloaded with blockbusters, even more than this year, which has already resulted in a lot of movies under-preforming. It sucks for the actually good movies, but maybe it will teach Hollywood to ease up on all of these franchises.


The pressure on this movie is suddenly massive. Can it live up to the hype? This movie and Deadpool came out of nowhere and now I worry that both sequels are doomed to failure.

"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."


Considering how little known the source material was for a lot of people it greatly exceeded expectations. Now that it is established I would say it has a great chance.


There is no question it will make $1B.

Even people (myself included) who can't stand most Marvel films love GOTG. It's going to top the first one and make $1B for sure.


this will make billion and some more, i believe it has a bigger cult fallowing now,


Ya, I've been predicting GOTG2 would make 1 Billion since a month after the first GOTG came out.

Word Of Mouth was too good, It appeals to all 4 quadrants....

GOTG2 also has A fantastic release date.

I see GOTG2,

Opening around $150-170 Million

Total Domestic $380-420 Million

Total World Wide-$1 to 1.1 Billion

If reviews are as Great as The first movie, If GOTG 2 gets like 90-94% on RT, Then Maybe A 1.3 Billion dollar total is possible.

But either way I see GOTG making 1 Billion and I got to say, The Guardians Of The Galaxy Franchise is going to go down as one of the most impressive achievements in film

For Marvel Studios to take A movie about characters that no one has ever heard of, and turn them into A franchise that is probably going to average about a billion dollars a film is just beyond incredible.

Over the next 6 years, there's probably going to be at least 3 GOTG films and 2 Avengers films that feature the GOTG heavily....

Over the next 6 years theres probably going to be 5 Star Wars films, 3 Star Wars Episode films and 2 Stand alone...

IMO The 5 GOTG franchise films will probably be just as successful as the 5 Star Wars films....and thats simply MIND BLOWING


I think it's going to do it. The press screening just happened, and word is this is going to be a MASSIVE hit.


Okay, now I'm not so sure. The reviews are coming out and most viewers seem to have had a good time, but too many mentions of 'filler' and 'messy' have me worried. I'll leave my original post prediction, but this film might have problems hitting $1 billion after all, but should still get close.

It's crushing Suicide Squad and Guardians 1's worldwide totals at the very least. That I feel sure about.


It's got a real shot. Even if it's not as good as the first, it's got the name recognition and popularity that the first lacked. No real competition out right now either (Fate of the Furious is getting old, Alien: Covenant will likely flop as SciFi is going through a difficult period right now...remember Independence Day 2?).
