MovieChat Forums > Only the Brave (2017) Discussion > No Hispanics in Arizona?

No Hispanics in Arizona?

Or they just don't join / aren't picked for fire squads?


No Blacks and No Asians either.

The group just happened to be all white.

No conspiracy about it.


No Welsh, no Scottish. Xenophobic I say.


Here are their names.

I would guess from their names that most, in fact, had family origins in the British Isles. There is a much higher percentage of Anglo-Saxon names here than in your typical slice of the American population.

I guess, in Sopranos parlance, they are in "Elvis country" ("no Italians, no Jews").


Blacks and Asians are not a high percentage of Arizona's population, whereas Hispanics are a huge percentage and they are well integrated with Anglo Whites.

I didn't say anything about a conspiracy. I'm asking whether or not Hispanics tend to join these fire squads. It's completely possible that Hispanics and others are not compelled OR not invited to join these squads -- either lack of interest on the Hispanics' part or an exclusiveness of the Whites in the squads. This is what I'm asking.


/I didn't say anything about a conspiracy. I'm asking whether or not Hispanics tend to join these fire squads. It's completely possible that Hispanics and others are not compelled OR not invited to join these squads -- either lack of interest on the Hispanics' part or an exclusiveness of the Whites in the squads. This is what I'm asking./

I think this could be the case: last of interesting by Hispanics or it's just a "white" job.


I noticed the same thing. No non-whites AT ALL!
I can't believe it was intentional.


Who gives a shit, there is no non whites in the movie. Turn on BET any given night how many whitey's are on there.


This is one of those things that, as a viewer, I'm apparently oblivious to. The guys were who they were, a bunch of...apparently white dudes.
I'm not sure if I should feel ashamed for not noticing, or somehow above all that and therefore better than you.
