MovieChat Forums > The Predator (2018) Discussion > Why can't they make a pre-quel

Why can't they make a pre-quel

Without making it obvious it is a prequel, but basically making a story that the local girl in the original talked about, if you remember, set up the same jungle of the original film, and show how predator is hunting the indigenous tribes in the villages there, let's say 4000 years ago, no modern equipment in terms of weapons, now that story of the film can be a truly horrifying fable, let's say come up with the local warriors who start standing up against Predator. And the whole film would probably be about fighting him, but the warriors would be also discovering themselves through the journey, and how much predatory their own instincts are destroying their lives, so it would be about something deeper as well that would make them realize why Predator exists in their lives and how their Gods can help them make it go away (which the original film never explored as the story was very straight-forward and empty in terms of character growth) but I must say, at the end they would never defeat him, so he would be still alive until 1987. I really believe Predator is ageless, not fully dependent on the aging element of the oxygen, or at least he's able to live as long as some of the oldest trees on Earth. This kind of a story Ive been waiting for since 1987 when I saw the original, why setting it in the present, go back into the past, and explore the nature of this creature or where he comes from, and why coming here on Earth, that is more exciting, because this is a very primitive creature in a primitive environement, the moment you set it in the city or within any modern area you lose the appeal and potential of the film. I say, go into the past.

Also one key thing these filmmakers forget, jungle setting is one of the main things why the original was so appealing, it is claustrophobic in a way and primitive by helping us to face the raw nature of who we are, it's as much important as the Predator itself.


To paraphrase T'Challa: Someone get this man a typewriter!


If people start making a Predator prequel, people will just accuse the Predator franchise of copying the Alien franchise.

Copying another person only shows how unoriginal you are.


If what Shane Black said a year or two ago still holds true, then technically The Predator IS a prequel. It’s apparently set prior to the events of 2010’s Predators, so that means it’s not only a prequel ... but a not-so obvious prequel! :D

But a prequel set thousands of years ago? I figured they would’ve made one by now, but I don’t know, perhaps they (studio/filmmakers) have it in their minds that it wouldn’t completely work or be appealing enough to audiences. As interesting as the idea sounds, the Predator battling “non-primitive” men has always made sense. But since we’ve seen that enough times already, then a proper prequel would be refreshing to see. I say give it some time.


If what Shane Black said a year or two ago still holds true, then technically The Predator IS a prequel. It’s apparently set prior to the events of 2010’s Predators

Are you retarded? Do you not know what a prequel is? A prequel is supposed to take place before the original film.


It is my understanding that you likely are.

But I’ll pretend for you. Yes, you got me! My supposed misunderstanding of that term says it all. But before you unleash more of your pseudo-intellectual on me, here’s how a prequel is define:

a story or movie containing events that precede that of an existing work
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A prequel is a work that forms part of a backstory to the preceding work

The Predator: presumably set before Predators.

So, it is not a prequel to the original film, but it is by definition... ah, fuck it googoogoo. I’m sure it’s hard for you to wrap this around your heard, smart fella. Po’, po’ dunce.


lmfao damn...

Since you've used Wikipedia to back up your pathetic argument, here's how Wikipedia actually defines a prequel:

A prequel is a literary, dramatic, or cinematic work whose story precedes that of a previous work, by focusing on events that occur before the original narrative

Alien: Isolation takes place between Alien and Aliens yet I've never heard anyone call Alien: Isolation a prequel.

So wait, if The Predator is a prequel, what would you call Predator 2 since it takes place before The Predator, in which is a prequel according to your retarded logic?

Epic fail tardo. You can always try again.


"Are you retarded? Do you not know what a prequel is? A prequel is supposed to take place before the original film."

That was probably the biggest case of totally useless passive-agressiveness I've ever seen! Congrats, moron.

Btw, that is so wrong to a point that my intelligence hurts.


I love the idea of the Predator alien race being the ones who came to earth and gave us technology, and taught us how to build the pyramids. I think that would be the story that would be interesting to see.

Maybe "Predator: The rebellion". Because there has to be a reason why they left. Maybe there was a great warrior who leads the rebellion and hunts down the last one in the jungle or something.


I love the idea of the Predator alien race being the ones who came to earth and gave us technology, and taught us how to build the pyramids. I think that would be the story that would be interesting to see.

In other words, you have a shit taste in movies. Sorry to hear that.


And you really need to get a life, instead of deliberately insulting strangers on internet. Plus, I don't know you but I have a strong feeling that you are not a reference of "good tastes" when it comes to movies neither.


lul so if I compliment a stranger on the Internet, would you say I need to get a life then?

It's ok. Every little girl has her time of the month. I understand :)


Just Google "Predator: Dark Ages"...
