MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > KINDA OT(but Not really):Is this is the ...

KINDA OT(but Not really):Is this is the best year every for CBM's?

So we got 2 more Major ones to go with Ant-Man and The Wasp and Aquaman...

But so far we got 3 Spectacular CBMs in Black Panther, Avengers IW and Now DP2...

If Ant-Man and The Wasp and Aquaman are good to great...IMO I think Its a done deal 2018 has been the best year....

But there are some other Incredible years...

2017 had Logan,GOTG2, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man HC, Thor Ragnarok and Unfortunately Justice League

2016 had Civil War, Doctor Strange, Deadpool, but some Trainwrecks in X-Men: Apocalypse, Suicide Squad and DEAD GOD BvS...

2014 had Captain America The Winter Soldier, GOTG, X-Men Days Of Future Past, The Amazing Spider-Man 2

2013 Had Iron Man 3, Man Of Steel, Thor 3, The Wolverine

2012 had The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

2011 Had Thor, Captain America TFA, X-Men First Class, Green Lantern

2008 Had Iron Man, The Dark Knight, Hellboy II, The Incredible Hulk

If I had to Rank the years My order would be

#1. 2018(If AM2 and Aquaman are Good)
#2. 2017
#3. 2008
#4, 2014
#5. 2016
#6. 2012
#7 2011
#8 2013

**** Years 2009, 2010, 2015 were worth mentioning

Moderators please dont delete this thread...I announced as off topic, Plus Its DEADPOOL 2 related....


PS just noted I posted this on the SOLO board....I thought I posted this on the DP2 board....Just made a mistake sorry


I think it's been good for Marvel, that's not really indicative of being good for comicbook movies as a whle.


It was a bit frontloaded to the first half of the year but can you imagine the anticipation for James Wan's Aquaman at Christmas after almost 6 months of NO CBM's?'s gonna be huge!


It was a bit frontloaded to the first half of the year but can you imagine the anticipation for James Wan's Aquaman at Christmas after almost 6 months of NO CBM's?'s gonna be huge!


remember when you claimed for 2 Months Justice League was gonna be RED HOT coming off Wonder Woman(and said Jt WOULD FOR SURE at least make 1 Billion, and would CERTAINLY out Gross Thor 3) your probably not the best judge of If a DC is gonna be HOT or Anticipated...Aquaman should make around 600 to 750 Million if Great, lol kinda of a letdown though from the last 2 Christmas's when Disney/ Star Wars dominated...

but I understand not all films can dominate Christmas and Easily makes 1.3 + billion and 2 Billion +...but its okay, Aquman will still do fine(Wink)

also By frontloaded , do you mean Disney/MCU dominated with the 2 biggest back to back Hits of all time and 2 of the 4 biggest CBMs of all time?

If so then ya I agree...


Sony's "Venom" will be out in October before that.


Sony's "Venom" will be out in October before that.


I have almost no Hope for Venom....and its because SONY is trying to PULL A CON JOB....

Venom is being made with a pretty moderate Budget....and that means Not a lot of money for CGI....

Reports leaked a month ago that "Venom" or Hardy in the full Venom look is Literally only in the Film in The FINAL 2 Minutes of The movie...

Sony is trying to pull a GODZILLA(2014)....where they make an entire film based on the title character but dont show the character until the final few minutes...

Then we got The first full trailer about 2 weeks after the Leak....and it confirmed almost everything the leak reported...

The Entire movie is going to be Eddie Brock, With Parts of the Venom coming out.but Only in the final 5 minutes of the film will Brock turn completely into Venom, and They said its a short fight With about 2 minutes of total screen time as VENOM...

The movie might be decent, It might have a good story....But I have no respect for what SONY is doing here...They dont feel confident A VENOM movie Will do huge numbers, so they are being extremely conservative With The Budget, and That leads to Not being able to do too much CGI and Special effects which is A Massive problem when you have a title character that is entirely CGI...

Its a CON JOB....They are Literally Selling A "Venom" film With 98% of the film never showing Venom...

There has been some serious backlash over this, Fans are very angry and SONY has to know now that Fans know what they are doing...Its possible SONY could realize they are making a MOVIE KILLING mistake here that is gonna leave fans Outraged and Maybe Sony might do some reshoots and add another 10 Million on to the budget to add 1 or 2 Action sequences With FULL Venom to be put in the Middle of the movie..If Venom is released and truly doesnt show Venom at any point during the entire movie until the final 5 minutes...This movie is going to have a bad opening weekend and then have ALL TIME awful 2nd weekend drops....They got to had at least a 5 minute scene in the middle of the film that reveals Venom...

GOdzilla(2014) completely exceeded exceptions and opened to 95 Million....But had A Historically AWFUL 2nd weekend collapse and awful holds for its entire run resulting in it barely making 200 M, Its the lowest grossing film of all time to open over 90 Million...

the point being....Audiences were Infuriated that they had to sit through a 2 hour + film and got less than 6 minutes of Godzilla on screen, The movie not Only had bad WOM ...But ANGRY WOM ....

If Sony doesnt fix Venom...They are heading right toward Godzilla level Anger


Same. I have low expectations for Venom too. I've heard a while ago that the post-production were currently working on Venom's CGI and special effects before the trailer was release to actually show him off. I'm a bit concern about the possibility of a rushed film in this and the moderate budget given to Venom doesn't sound like it could help matters.

If Venom's last 5 minute appearance does turn out to be true, then it probably would feel like an infuriating move by Sony indeed. Godzilla (2014) at least has an excuse for not showing too much of the titled monster himself. The original 1954 film did just that as well with Godzilla and Legendary Pictures/WB wanted to play a faithful tribute to it. I'm just really disappointed with the lack of Bryan Cranston after the first half hour in that

I feel a lot of things that Sony is trying to do with Venom as a franchise just screams problematic to begin with. But I guess we'll see how well this movie could eventually pull off? Can imagine what this box office could look like either from this stage.... Tom Hardy on the other hand is about as good as he can get for the role, but I'm not too sure if even his performance alone will help salvage the process of this movie.

Now I'm curious to hear on your thoughts of the upcoming Spider-man film that will be animated?


This seems like it could be a strong year for CBMs, especially if both "Antman and the Wasp" and "Aquaman" were to succeed expectations for later. 🙂


what do you think is the better 1-2 Punch....

The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises in 2012

Captain America The Winter Soldier and Guardians Of The Galaxy In 2014

Iron Man and The Dark Knight in 2008

Civil War and Deadpool in 2016

Logan and Wonder Woman in 2017

I got to go with 2008 and Iron Man and The Dark Knight ....These 2 films are not only 2 of the greatest CBMs of all time....but probably the 2 most important CBM's all time.....IM was Genre/Game changing that started a Cinematic Universe that would go on to be the highest grossing Movie franchise of all time and would lead to every Major studio trying to copy this blue print...

The Dark Knight was Game/Genre Changing, CBMs immediately started trying to copying its Dark, realistic tones(but not with very much success), It has An ALL TIME Great acting Performance and is widely consider the best CBM of all time.

Next I'd have to go with Captain America The Winter Soldier and Guardians Of The Galaxy In 2014....and I'm basing this entirely on The quality of the movies...I think these 2 are the 2 best 1-2 Punch in quality...

Next Is Logan and Wonder Woman...

Then The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises(this may need to be higher, but for me, TDKR has aged terribly, I loved TDKR from 2012 to early 2015, But now when I watch it, It just doesnt do it for me)

Lastly Civil War and Deadpool...

what are yours?


In order I would go with: The Avengers/ The Dark Knight Rises

Iron Man/The Dark Knight

Logan/Wonder Woman

Civil War/Deadpool

Captain America The Winter Soldier / Guardians Of The Galaxy
