MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > Alden's bonestructure and face [pictures...

Alden's bonestructure and face [pictures]
Look at this picture and tell me what you think. Do you think about Han Solo or Harrison Ford when you see it? He has more bone structure in his face than Harrison Ford has. Even a bigger head/face. It's impossible for me to suspend disbelieve and tell myself that that's Han Solo.

You can compare with this picture:

What do you think?


And Roger Moore doesn't look like Sean Connery but they both successfully played James Bond. What's your point?


Because it's not the same person. It's not the same Bond. The movies also aren't in the same universe or storyline. How the fuck could you even compare this?


Of course it's the same person. There's only one James Bond and it is one universe between Moore and Connery. The Moore movies have numerous references to the Connery (and Lazenby) movies.


Those references are easter eggs. NEVER has ANYONE, EVER confirmed that its all 1 person or 1 universe. So you are just trying to justify something without any truth to it.

You can interpret James Bond however you like it. If you want it to be the same person, thats fine. But its NOT.


Oh, so it's a different universe but it has the same "M", the same "Q" and the same Moneypenney? All those actors playing the same characters are just easter eggs in your mind huh? It was the same James Bond played by a different actor.


They are all different M's and Q's and Moneypennies because they are all different actors in a new universe. How hard is this to grasp? If they were the same IN-UNIVERSE characters, they would have been played by the same actors. Or partly the same actors. But they are not. Nowhere is it confirmed that its the same universe. Unlike Star Wars, where there is an actual canon and same confirmed universe.

Seriously, if you REALLY don't get this concept, you should just stop replying to me. Because I cannot explain this basic idea any better. If you don't get it, fine.


They are the same actors! Bernard Lee played M in every movie from "Dr. No" to "Moonraker"

Lois Maxwell played Moneypenney from "Dr. No" to "A View to a Kill".

Desmond Llewelyn played Q from "Goldfinger" to "The World is not Enough". He spanned 5 different James Bond actors.

So by your own standard in the reply above, they are the same IN-UNIVERSE characters because they were played by the same actors.


Alright. I don't know every James Bond movie (it has been so many years since I last saw the old ones).
You're right that those characters (Q, M or Moneypenny) could be the same characters, however, people also have the theory that 'James Bond' is a codename. So its all basically different people and different characters that get assigned the James Bond title. So even though you are right about M, Q and Moneypenny, you could be wrong about James Bond. Nobody knows. There has not been a official confirmation that its the same universe, that James Bond is a title that gets assigned or that its the same character. Thats the problem with the James Bond movies. We can all interpret different things. It could be, it could not be.

Fact remains, just because it works with Bond doesn't mean it works with every franchise. James Bond has a tradition of being played by different actors. Star Wars has not. It has only happend once and those 2 Obi Wan's had a big age difference so suspending disbelieve was easy. This guy is suppose to be Han Solo 5 years before A New Hope happens. But he looks COMPLETELY different. Nobody changes like that in 5 years. Its just unbelievable. You can tell yourself all the arguments you gave, but your mind will not believe them (atleast mine won't, even if I try REALLY hard).

I guess we well never agree on this though, so discussion is pointless. Agree to disagree I suppose..


Spielberg met him at a Bar Mitza and said hey you look like Han Solo.


I think that it doesn't matter at all. Who cares if he looks like Harrison Ford? What possible bearing does that have on the film? All that matter is if he can act.

Do you take issue with a 28 year-old Ewen McGregor playing young Obi Wan Kenobi, who would have had to have been at least 45 at the time of Phantom Menace to justify him looking like 63 year-old Alec Guinness in Star Wars?


Thats an age difference of almost 20 years. This is an age difference of what? 10 years tops? And Ewan looks really young in the movies and Alec looks really old. Not comparable at all.. Suspending disbelieve will be hard as fuck.


I'm not sure if you're agreeing or disagreeing with me. My point is that it doesn't matter either way. McGregor was fine as Obi Wan, even though it was impossible to believe Guinness would have looked like McGregor. Likewise, it doesn't matter at all if the new Solo actor's bone structure doesn't match Harrison Ford's.


i crown you all the king of Nit-Picks!!!!!


I think many people would agree with me. But we shall see when the movie comes out.
