MovieChat Forums > The Martian (2015) Discussion > and Hollywood's fat female phobia contin...

and Hollywood's fat female phobia continues....

The Spanish guy was overweight, Jeff Daniels is old and not in the best shape, Chiwitel could stand to lose a few pounds (come on, let's do this by BMI: Let's say his BMI is 25.5. If a woman had that BMI, that would place her at a size 6-8 and she'd never get a role in most films.)

Damon had a good body but notice how they wouldn't make him lose weight for the role. Yeah... we're gonna have you play the role of some guy who gets stranded on mars with only potatoes to eat for 3 years but don't worry, you don't have to lose a pound, you're perfect as're a man after all...

Meanwhile, all four women were emaciated. And TWO scenes (in a movie that took place 99% on a space ship,) featured women on tread mills sweating their faces know...just in case you forgot a woman's duty, dear viewer. We really have to drive the point home.

Seriously, Hollywood, you have a severe psychological issue. Get help.

"Matthew McConaughey lost 45 pounds for his role in Dalas Buyer's Club...or what actreses call being in a movie." --Tina Fey



Going to be tough for you to simply enjoy a film if you're focusing on those details...


There wasnt any Spanish guy in The Martian.


Pray tell, which female character in this movie needs to put up weight and why?


The answer is simple.

People would rather see fit attractive females in movies. Fat women are quite frankly depressing.


The only female character who really could have been out of shape is Mackenzie Davis' character, the blonde who found the signs of life on Mars. Her job was to basically sit at a desk all day and eat food out of vending machines. The astronauts need to be in good physical health, plus, food is rationed on the flight there and the flight back. Kristen Wiig's character was in PR, and could go either way with her weight, but she's selling an image of NASA and also an image of herself, she cares about the way she looks and would work "hard" which might or might not be healthy, to stay a certain size. Or that's how she comes off to me anyway.


and wich of the charecters should have been fat?


You're a disgusting, fat, pig. But a half-way decent troll. I give you a straight up D.
