MovieChat Forums > The Martian (2015) Discussion > and Hollywood's fat female phobia contin...

and Hollywood's fat female phobia continues....

The Spanish guy was overweight, Jeff Daniels is old and not in the best shape, Chiwitel could stand to lose a few pounds (come on, let's do this by BMI: Let's say his BMI is 25.5. If a woman had that BMI, that would place her at a size 6-8 and she'd never get a role in most films.)

Damon had a good body but notice how they wouldn't make him lose weight for the role. Yeah... we're gonna have you play the role of some guy who gets stranded on mars with only potatoes to eat for 3 years but don't worry, you don't have to lose a pound, you're perfect as're a man after all...

Meanwhile, all four women were emaciated. And TWO scenes (in a movie that took place 99% on a space ship,) featured women on tread mills sweating their faces know...just in case you forgot a woman's duty, dear viewer. We really have to drive the point home.

Seriously, Hollywood, you have a severe psychological issue. Get help.

"Matthew McConaughey lost 45 pounds for his role in Dalas Buyer's Club...or what actreses call being in a movie." --Tina Fey


I am sorry but the OP took the time post essentially "Hey, there are no fat chicks in this movie so I am offended."

If you are a feminist, you are not coming across for equality between men and women. You are complaining that The Martian did not have any fat women in it.

You didn't com0plain that the movie did not have any handicapped, any main Hispanic characters, or that it didn't have any Albanian people. Everyone could come up with the movie should have more persons/ethnic group/disability.

Here is the reality of the situation for you. Lets say you have two women running to become the presidential candidate for a party. They both have strong political views but are very similar in their views. One Candidate is a semi attractive 115lb women and the other is an obese and unattractive (but smart) 259lb woman. Who wins the nomination?

The woman who is not overweight wins with everything else being equal. People are going to vote for her based on the fact she seems to be healthy and attractive and not so much a health risk.

If it is really important for you to see overweight women in movies this look up Melissa McCarthy and go watch all her movies. She is well over weight and gets a lot of work. Use your power of choice and only pay to see movies that fir your agenda.


"Hey, there are no fat chicks in this movie so I am offended."

Fat is a relative term. I'm talking size 8-10.

You didn't com0plain that the movie did not have any handicapped, any main Hispanic characters, or that it didn't have any Albanian people. Everyone could come up with the movie should have more persons/ethnic group/disability.

Except women sized 8-10 aren't even a specialized or marginalized group. They're super can throw a stone on the street and hit one (I'll wait while you make your fat joke.) The production shouldn't have to go out of their way to hire every single demographic...but they indeed went out of their way to AVOID hiring this one, and that's what I object to.

But hey, thanks for almost engaging in productive discourse!


Matt Damon looked noticeably skinnier in the later parts of the movie. They clearly made him lose muscle and it was supposed to show the effect of his diet.

I agree the women astronauts were skinnier than the men (well, one of them) but that's just a function of modern female actresses I think...
But idk, I wouldn't say someone like Jessica Chastain is necessarily much skinnier than Chiwetel Ejiofor. It's hard to compare men and women but I wouldn't say he's overweight, and I wouldn't call her underweight either.


probably said a thousand times already but astronauts need to be in perfect health, and on the space station, people basically need to train in every free second, otherwise their muscles vanish.

now for the people on earth, I really didn't care for the people on earth.


probably said a thousand times already but astronauts need to be in perfect health, and on the space station, people basically need to train in every free second, otherwise their muscles vanish.
However Hermes was far more habitable than "the space station", which has no simulated gravity. Astronauts working on Hermes are no more likely to have "their muscles vanish" than any office worker.


thank good i didn't have to stare at fat women on screen


I propose movies should come in sizes, like lingerie. Hollywood should make at least two versions of each movie: S-version (for skinny) and Plus or GB-version (for Gwynnie Bee).

And when released to disk the viewer should be able to adjust the weight of each character according to the viewer's taste.

"You know what the trouble about real life is? There's no danger music."
- Chip Douglas


I have to agree, this is a dumb movie to get bent about.

For one, they don't send overweight people to space. Not only does every pound launched into orbit need to be meticulously accounted for, once up there, food is strictly rationed. It's a huge waste of resources to afford a single person thousands of extra calories a day.

And the exercise scene with Kate Mara? All astronauts exercise. They HAVE to, it is not just recreational. So even if they were a little porky when they left earth, you can guarantee they would be slim within a few months of the journey. Also, you actually burn more calories moving around in a weightless environment. They make it look easy but the human body is adapted to gravity by design.

Jessica Chastain looked very womanly. And Mackenzie Davis, whom I just fell in love with, would never be described as petite. As for womanly duty, you do remember that the entire mission was under the command of a female, right?

If anything, you could gripe that NASA doesn't have that many attractive females per capita. Many of the uncredited females caught my attention.

Your mama was a snowblower!


There is noooooooooooooooooo way the OP had a baby, I mean who would find her attitude/mindset the least attractive."we can have sex....but kill all the lights, and blindfold yourself". Curious to know if the OP saw "Trainwreck"? I have a feeling that she'd say Amy Shumer is too thin. The fact that the OP has this hangup is wierd. She stresses that Michael Pena is overweight....sorry don't see it. If we wanna use Melissa MCarthy as an example and the OP's hangup with body image ( and most likely hers and deflecting her anger at others),like her or not maaaaaaybe it's because she has talent and the OP does not. Just because one has acting credentials does not mean they are good. I can cook a mean dinner.....does not make me Wolfgang Puck.



Meanwhile, all four women were emaciated. And TWO scenes (in a movie that took place 99% on a space ship,) featured women on tread mills sweating their faces know...just in case you forgot a woman's duty, dear viewer. We really have to drive the point home.

They would be on rations. But yes, all crew members would be on treadmills to maintain muscle mass. Not just the females.


They would be on rations. But yes, all crew members would be on treadmills to maintain muscle mass. Not just the females.

Which is exactly why it's so funny that only the females were shown on the two different scenes. Not subtle.
