MovieChat Forums > The Martian (2015) Discussion > and Hollywood's fat female phobia contin...

and Hollywood's fat female phobia continues....

The Spanish guy was overweight, Jeff Daniels is old and not in the best shape, Chiwitel could stand to lose a few pounds (come on, let's do this by BMI: Let's say his BMI is 25.5. If a woman had that BMI, that would place her at a size 6-8 and she'd never get a role in most films.)

Damon had a good body but notice how they wouldn't make him lose weight for the role. Yeah... we're gonna have you play the role of some guy who gets stranded on mars with only potatoes to eat for 3 years but don't worry, you don't have to lose a pound, you're perfect as're a man after all...

Meanwhile, all four women were emaciated. And TWO scenes (in a movie that took place 99% on a space ship,) featured women on tread mills sweating their faces know...just in case you forgot a woman's duty, dear viewer. We really have to drive the point home.

Seriously, Hollywood, you have a severe psychological issue. Get help.

"Matthew McConaughey lost 45 pounds for his role in Dalas Buyer's Club...or what actreses call being in a movie." --Tina Fey


Funny how you bring up men and say that they should lose weight too...Let's face it...

It isn't socially unacceptable for a guy to be meaty or a bit overweight. In fact, men are supposed to be on the higher end of the average BMI spectrum (24-27). It is considered more "masculine". Women would even prefer a guy with a BMI of 28 than say, 20. Heck, even if you're at 23, you're considered scrawny.

That's society for you (and I'm not pulling that out of my ass). They have that notion.


It isn't socially unacceptable for a guy to be meaty or a bit overweight.

Considering women's bodies are designed to hold on to weight more than male bodies, it shouldn't be socially unacceptable for women to be meaty or a bit overweight. Cultural shifts like this begin with movies casting more realistically sized women or at least more diverse sizes of women.

My point is that it's BS that it's socially unacceptable or women to be meaty or a bit overweight. You're right. Society acts like it's an affront to all decency if a woman has a BMI of like 28. It's out of control. Is casting in movies a response to this, or is society reacting to what they're used to seeing and begin expecting women to be that size, heaven forbid of they're not? I'm not sure which came first, the chicken or the egg...but I do know that it's time for films to start casting more average sized women regardless of what the answer to that question is.
In fact, men are supposed to be on the higher end of the average BMI spectrum (24-27). It is considered more "masculine". Women would even prefer a guy with a BMI of 28 than say, 20. Heck, even if you're at 23, you're considered scrawny.

That's society for you (and I'm not pulling that out of my ass). They have that notion.

Yeah, everyone has different tastes. Some women are not attracted to scrawny men (I'm one of them,) others drool over them. Go figure. But ripped dudes with like 10% body fat are universally considered hot, and it's not as though every speaking role goes only to guys who befit those impossible body standards (granted there are a lot of hot buff guys in films though, but not every speaking role.)


Newsflash: 1. The majority of people are not attracted to overweight people. 2. Movies are fantasies that people pay for.

Thus, if a movie features people that the majority of people find attractive (i.e. not overweight), the movie will make money. NO ONE wants to see your fat ass, so any movie featuring a lazy, fat person in denial such as yourself will not make money and probably not even get made at all. To men, appearance is important and to women, power is important. So, successful movies often feature attractive (i.e. not overweight) women. The appearance of the men is secondary to their power (e.g. physical or social). It's society / biology that makes these rules, so you'd be better off arguing with Mother Nature or Darwin than here on IMDB.



Newsflash: 1. The majority of people are not attracted to overweight people. 2. Movies are fantasies that people pay for.

Thus, if a movie features people that the majority of people find attractive (i.e. not overweight), the movie will make money. NO ONE wants to see your fat ass, so any movie featuring a lazy, fat person in denial such as yourself will not make money and probably not even get made at all. To men, appearance is important and to women, power is important. So, successful movies often feature attractive (i.e. not overweight) women. The appearance of the men is secondary to their power (e.g. physical or social). It's society / biology that makes these rules, so you'd be better off arguing with Mother Nature or Darwin than here on IMDB.

You're delusional if you don't think that women also like to look at hot guys, and as you can see more women with positions of power are featured in films too (for instance, the commander in this movie.) So your archaic rules are already shifting. I suspect the female weight will be the next thing to change. We've already gotten Hollywood away from making roles that feature women only as sex objects and more women of age are getting cast too. A little more weight is the next step :-) 



Dalas (Persian: دلس‎‎; also known as Dalsaq)[1] is a village in Jarahi Rural District, in the Central District of Mahshahr County, Khuzestan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 45, in 7 families.


Why does every single type of person have to represented in every movie? Yes, some women are overweight, and there weren't any overweight women in the movie. But what about bald women? You clearly don't care about bald women, because some women are bald and there were no bald women in the movie. And what about parapalegic women. Or women with braces. Or really tall women. Or midget women! Can't forget about those.


So you didn't notice that Mark Watney looses about 25% of his mass over the time he spent on Mars?
How do you survive on that diet of cherries?


I'm trying to figure out, is it a man issue you have or a pretty (decent weight) girl issue you have? Perhaps both? Sure is strong contempt you have for them there. Forgive Hollywood for going with what actually looks nice. Just because women want to be fat with no holding back, doesn't mean everyone wants to see it.


by Jupiter555555 »

The Spanish guy was overweight, Jeff Daniels is old and not in the best shape, Chiwitel could stand to lose a few pounds (come on, let's do this by BMI: Let's say his BMI is 25.5. If a woman had that BMI, that would place her at a size 6-8 and she'd never get a role in most films.)

Damon had a good body but notice how they wouldn't make him lose weight for the role. Yeah... we're gonna have you play the role of some guy who gets stranded on mars with only potatoes to eat for 3 years but don't worry, you don't have to lose a pound, you're perfect as're a man after all...

Meanwhile, all four women were emaciated. And TWO scenes (in a movie that took place 99% on a space ship,) featured women on tread mills sweating their faces know...just in case you forgot a woman's duty, dear viewer. We really have to drive the point home.

Seriously, Hollywood, you have a severe psychological issue. Get help.

What... the... FVCK... are you going on about?

Did you even see the movie? Damon takes his shirt off in the beginning... he is clearly buff and muscular. By the end though, he is totally emaciated. They basically used the same special efects that they used on Chris Evans in Captain America; TFA.

And, of course the female astronauts are in shape! ALL the astronausts are. They have to be. Just like in real life. They aren't going to send some fat tub-of-lard up to there, who'll just sit around the ISS eating Snicker's bars and drinking milkshakes until s/he has a heart attack.

What a bizarre issue to fabricate, just so you can post some silly attention-begging rant.

YOU have "severe psychological issues" and definitely need to "get help". (you can start by taking your wanna-be feminazi head out of your ass)

My gawd... the absolute nonsene that gets posted here sometimes...


"I Drank What?!" - Socrates


The OP should have paid to see Trainwreck instead.

"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."


The OP should have paid to see Trainwreck instead.

HAHAHAHA, been there, done that. The OP's already spewed the same garbage on that board, only she was more "fist in the air" about it since the main protagonist was one of those "plus sized women" they're constantly making a push for.
