The investigation

I feel so bad for this guy. Did the FBI ever have any evidence? It looks more like they decided jewell was the man based on a “profile,” and then they went digging for whatever evidence they could find to back it up.

Shouldn’t it have been the other way around?


Yes, indeed. Seems only circumstantial.


I’m a prosecutor....a lot of cases without great physical evidence are begun by centering on a suspect that seems to fit the profile, had access to the scene, and has a plausible motive. Then you go from there and try to build a case...and see if it leads to anything more concrete.

The big problem here...and it was a huge at that stage of an investigation....none of that should be made public and destroy a man’s case the educated hunch turns out to be wrong.


I feel that that is what escalated the case. If the investigation wasn’t made public, the FBI might’ve quietly closed the case and moved on once they realized they didn’t have evidence.


So you are not bothered that they tried to get him to incriminate himself with that instructional video lie? Or that they tried to get him to sign away his constitutional rights?
