I'm antifeminist but

This movie was dreadful and the way the female characters were treated made me uncomfortable, especially because it was mindless violence.


Tarantino is pretty much the most pro-feminist writer/director in Hollywood. No other contemporary American filmmaker has showcased strong, complex female characters the way Tarantino has with Jackie Brown, Kill Bill, Death Proof and Inglourious Basterds.

While the treatment of Daisy seems excessive here, I'd argue that it's only because she's the only (main) female character. All the characters in the film are beaten, verbally abused and brutalised at some point during the film; we're more conscious of it with Daisy because all the other characters are a single sex.


He made several movies with violent female characters but that doesn't qualify as feminist.


Keep em barefoot and pregnant and in the kitchen is what I say and that's how we do it in Texas..... and if you don't like it, fill your hands you sons of bitches and eat some .45 Long Colt


Lindewell: Have you ever been with a woman who wasn't either crying or awaiting payment?

108 193 23 8114 246* 47.73 22 42


I will regret this constructive conversation when they shut down the board.


I didn't mind the way the women were portrayed. I did feel anger when the villains were shown killing everyone who had been at Minnie's Haberdashery. The main villain who is a woman is supposed to be a criminal from a gang of criminals. It makes sense she wouldn't have any manners.


She was a good villain. I didn't see her role panning out like that and she nailed her fate.


Daisy got what she deserved in the end and Tarantino is one of the biggest Cucks in Hollywood.


Stop being so sensitive. You talk about a group of criminal scumbags and doubtful bounty hunters with doubtful values. What did you expect? That they treat women with respect? You're in a Tarantino, not a Disney movie.

Plus, Daisy is reportedly a murderous psycho. So, no mercy for her. This is like people who complaned about Calvin Candie's sister being shot in cold blood in Django Unchained. We are talking about a racist bitch who had no problem at all with the fact that her brother was a slaver who was making money out of fights which resulted in death. Screw her and screw Daisy, they deserved what they got.

Afterall, the movie is called "The Hateful Eight", not "The Amazing Eight".


Daisy had a bounty on her head worth $10,000... that's a LOT of money for a reason. You see how cool and nasty she acted toward the end of the film?

Minnie and her peeps got murdered in cold blood cause that's how the story goes.. Charlie & Sweet Dave were in there too remember?
