First Time Viewer

I've always been curious about this story because it's lauded as a classic. So I took my teenager daughter to see it. She enjoyed it but I thought it was a bit too soap opera-ish. No real plot, just the random events in the lives of these girls. It was mildly interesting but I'm obviously not the target audience. I did like Jo, she was an interesting character, but I really need a compelling plot to keep me engaged.


Please watch the 1994 version with Susan Surandon and Winona Ryder.

This new version messed everything up and you never develop a connection with the characters because the story is broken up into past and present throughout. You don't even feel sad when ***SPOILER**** Beth dies.

Please do watch 94 version and let me know what you think.


I couldn't keep up with her energy!


I didn’t like any version of little women or the book, but by some cruel twist of fate I ended up seeing all of the main adaptations. I found this version to be both the most dull and the most confusing. A rare combination...

The plot has been completely jumbled out of order, kind of like Gerwig thought the thing that was holding back the barely-there narrative that is Little Women, was that it didn’t resemble Memento.


The 1994 version and book are much better.


I have no idea what you expected from this movie, but you did at least admit that you're clearly not the target audience. This story is about what life would be like for middle glass girls in the 1860s. And if that's not your cup of tea, this movie will not be for you. I agree with you though that Jo was the best character out of the lot.


The fact that the film is a period piece about the lives of the middle class is not an excuse for the film to be boring and disjointed. There are several slice of life movies that are actually told in an interesting manner and focus on interesting people.

For what it’s worth, I am the target audience and I like both period films and those of the slice-of-life genre.


Okay, I guess I have to make a confession here: I have not seen this particular movie yet. So you might be right about a part of your criticism. How would I know, really? But I did recently see a TV adaption of the same story from 2017. And I really liked that one, even though I found Meg and Beth bland and Amy was an annoying brat. So I can't say that the story itself as written by Miss Alcott is boring.
