MovieChat Forums > IO (2019) Discussion > It's about time!

It's about time!

This movie has been in various stages of development since it was announced way back in 2015. Principal photography started in late 2016. Now it finally gets released in 2019 as a Netflix film. Good grief!


a 4.8 rating.


I hadn't heard of this movie before recently . It was alright but less than amazing. I feel for a film narrative that revolves around character more so than the survival aspects of this post apocalyptic setting it could have used a bit more conflict between the characters.

I'm sure some will regret the lack of bleak drama & thrills that usually goes with the genre & setting but I actually found the more subtle take to be a breath of fresh air.

Of course there is the predictable group of undesirables who will flat out hate the film by default.


It was super slow........and boring


Yes. Really boring, I didnt even finish it. Maybe I'll go back to it some day .


Why did it take them so long to make a p.o.s. movie like this?


I hope they're happy.
