
Back in the 1950's, if you were a communist in the U.S., you were targeted and blacklisted. This meant that you got fired from your job, harassed, investigated, and driven out of polite society. We desperately need to bring this back. But instead of old school communists, we instead target the kinds of people who create shows like the new Doctor Who. Who take something that was good and vandalized it with their Woke bullshit. Some call these people "Woke", others called them "The left", others still call them "cultural Marxists". Whatever you want to call them, I believe we should start making blacklists and start circling them around and put pressure on industries to purge these people from all spaces.
These people should not be allowed to work in the entertainment industry. Or any industry for that matter. These people really shouldn't be allowed to work anywhere, except maybe bagging groceries or working at gas stations. They are a detriment to society. If we don't stop them, they will continue to destroy our culture and undermine all of our cultural and social norms.


I totally agree with you. To me, it was obvious from the get go what RTD's agenda was. As soon as I saw the cast list, I knew he was going to use Doctor Who, as a vehicle to push the lgbtq agenda, and that first episode with Tennents new Doctor confirmed it. That line from Donnas daughter, "Did you just assume that aliens gender?" was all I needed to hear to know I won't be watching Doctor Who, for a long time.
I don't know why he had to pick this show to push the lgbtq agenda, and not just make his own show to do it. But no lets destroy a loved TV show! I mean the amount that will be watching now, is going to be nearly halved from previous seasons. Not everyone cares or are interested in the lgbtq stuff, and don't want it rammed down their throat with everything they watch. The media and everyone else needs to stop treating these people like they're special.
'Wow, you've made up a new pronoun for yourself, you surely are brave and special!'
'What's that Mr? You can give birth to babies. Of course you can, and don't let anyone tell you different!' is the mindset most people have. It's time this bullshit stops! And it's time for RTD and his crew to piss off!


others still call them "cultural Marxists".
Nobody calls them that except braindead racist internet keyboard warriors overloaded on buzzwords that they think sound cool but dont understand.

Too bad for the Wokes.
But there will come a leader (they always do) who will rally the masses

Nope , you and your kind are a tiny (but vocal) minority , the world is changing.
Supply & demand , capitalism would have made your "woke" die out if it was going to - it isnt


Nope , you and your kind are a tiny (but vocal) minority , the world is changing.

No we are not. Far right movements are becoming more and more popular in Europe and in the US. Especially among men. This is the result of open boarders.

Supply & demand , capitalism would have made your "woke" die out if it was going to - it isnt

You have companies losing money and subscribers but they continue to do the same thing. They are not being allowed to fail.


>No we are not. Far right movements are becoming more and more popular in Europe and in the US. Especially among men. This is the result of open boarders.

And most of them are not hostile to LGBT people.

>You have companies losing money and subscribers but they continue to do the same thing. They are not being allowed to fail.

Except all the successful examples I gave you.

Disney just reported profits:


And most of them are not hostile to LGBT people.

That trend is reversing. I predict that there is going to be a huge backlash to all the LGBTQ garbage because of how prevalent and in your face it is. I've been watching a lot of videos of interactions between people on sites like OMEtv and Monkey and a lot of young men are not down with the LGBTQ mafia.


I'll await evidence in terms of political parties for this trend reversing.

European populist parties are mostly hostile to immigration primarily. They're less concerned about LGBT content.

And imagine being such a baby that you can't just turn off the TV and watch/do something else other than cry about how you're seeing LGBT people. Hell, half of the people who whine like little bitches don't seem to realise there's more out there than the MCU.


But I like TV. I used to love watching TV shows. And now I'm finding it nearly impossible to find something to watch. Am I not allowed to be pissed of about that and express my anger and disappointment that something I've loved for so long has been destroyed. Should I just sit in silence and accept that? Pretend that it's ok? Accept abnormal degenerates and pretend they are normal?
Fuck you!


I'm not sure why any TV streamer should give a flying fuck about what you personally want to watch, to be frank. You are just one person. Your obviously highly niche demands are of no concern to any of them. And why should they be? That you can't cope with seeing a gay person, or a black person in a TV show is your problem.

>Accept abnormal degenerates and pretend they are normal?

So what are you referring to by "abnormal degenerates"? LGBT people? Is it wrong that they're depicted at all in TV?

>Should I just sit in silence and accept that? Pretend that it's ok? Accept abnormal degenerates and pretend they are normal?

You can gnash and wail but Netflix, HBO, Disney, Amazon doesn't answer to you.


You're not hearing what I'm saying. And I don't have the patience to explain it to you.
You can go now. Shoo.


So no answer. Another thing you're not capable of answering because you're too fucking stupid.

Why should Netflix or HBO or Disney give a single fuck about what you think?


You are in no position to be calling anyone stupid.


So no answer. Another thing you're not capable of answering because you're too fucking stupid.

Why should Netflix or HBO or Disney give a single fuck about what you think?


I'm sorry. I don't speak retard.


Are you yet another person who defines all modern media by the MCU, Star Wars and shitty Disney franchise remakes?


I don't watch the MCU, or Star Wars or anything Disney. I rarely think about them.
I get all my media from a website with TV shows and movies it's getting harder and harder to find something that is watchable. When I complain about the media, that is the context in which I am complaining. I'm not interested in hearing or talking about Disney or the MCU or Star Wars or anything with comic book/superhero movies.


So what media are you even complaining about? Can you give some examples?


Go to PSArips and look at the movies and TV show sections. Try to find something that has no diversity. It's hard. That is what I'm complaining about.


So you want a full white cast?

And I'm asking you specifically about what shows you've watched, or do you not even get that far?


Skavau, it seems like you're losing your cool a bit here.

I have an activity that might help you relax that I think would suit you well: Take deep breaths and hold them in for 5 seconds as you state all of the letters of the LGBTQ+ alphabet along with their corresponding color on the LGBTQ+ rainbow.

Let me know how that works out for you.


So is this your new goal in life? To be the new Melton? Do nothing but harass me across the forum?


Was there something wrong with what I said? I thought that might help you calm down.


Another bait comment. Dude, it's not that clever. It's basic.


So not that clever means that it's at least a little clever? Thanks!

Really though, don't you think that might help you calm down? There wasn't a single question in that last post of yours and you don't seem like yourself in general right now.


It's basically just "haha ur mad bro" and "haha ur gay bro". It's basically bullbaiting 101. There's nothing clever about it.


Is there something funny about being mad or gay, bro? What does bullbaiting refer to in this context, and what does that have to do with being clever, or a lack thereof?
