MovieChat Forums > Ad Astra (2019) Discussion > The next "Gravity", not "Martian"

The next "Gravity", not "Martian"

I will be watching at the discount cinema. It seems interesting, but will only be so-so at best. They say it's gonna be super realistic, so the movie has a running time of 10+ years? It's over-rated with expectations over the top, and will be boring to round it out.


Trying to figure out what the point of your post is. You made a load of vague and unfounded statements, and then agreed with yourself.

So you want to chat about a movie that you have not seen yet...?

Or are you just jerking off..?


Did you know the Brad Pitt main character is an Autistic by-the-book kinda guy? Everything we will see him do is procedural and correct. You basically don't mind watching someone else work? Remember you'll be paying money.

The Accountant? Badass
The Martian? Badass
The Boring? Not so much.


Given that you are basically making assumptions and coming to conclusions about a movie you have not seen, aren't you kind of talking out of your ass?

Worse still, you clearly think you have the right to tell others what they should think, ie the same as you.

And then you ridicule them if they dont agree with you.

You're a waste of space.


I'll be back in September to tell you "Told you so." Please don't go to the cinema having high expectations, you're going to regret it.


Yep, told you so. Next time, have more faith in your superior.


neither matt damon nor ben affleck have played characters stricken with the autism disease


you know who else was a procedural by the book guy? Neil Armstrong. He still managed to have several dramatic last minute escapes from death, by staying calm under pressure and making split second decisions correctly.


Yep, he was a REAL astronaut with the "right stuff" who took all the secrets to the grave. The spinning incident in Interstellar is based on Armstrong's Gemini 8 mission of March 1966. Amazing to have survived something like that.
