A Netflix Documentary...


We Wuz Kangz:

8 generations away from Macedonian, grandfather only had high status (no slaves or concubines) wives (or sisters) and the only high status from Egypt were religious elites.

It is quite possible that Cleopatra was pure Macedonian Greek. But it is probable that she had some Egyptian blood, although the amount is uncertain. Certainly it was no more than half, and probably less. The best evidence is that she was three-quarters Macedonian Greek and one-quarter Egyptian. There is no room for anything else, certainly not for any black African blood.

From what I am seeing, criticize anything black = racism, criticize anything white = white supremacy, you just can't win. :P


3/4 of Cleopatra's grandparents are unknown. Her father was illegitimate with an unknown mother and called bastard by others. Cleo's mother is unknown. Her sister or half-sister's mother is unknown.

I just watched a documentary about her sister Arsinoe whose tomb was found. Forensic scientists studied her skeleton and were able to recreate a 3-D model of her skull. They determined her gender, age, social-class, attractiveness, health, death, and race. They easily and quickly determined she was part black which confirmed the findings of previous scientists decades ago.

I was hoping to see her skeletal remains because I studied anatomy years ago and wanted to try to decide for myself. It was very obvious to me she had black ancestry, also. Same with other Egyptian remains I've previously seen.

This Netflix documentary is the SECOND documentary to speculate that Cleo could've been racially-mixed. The first one which aired a few years ago in the UK didn't receive the racist backlash.

Reality is that Greek artists made her look Greek, Egyptians made her look Egyptian and Romans made her look Roman.

Roman. Exaggerated big nose and jutting chin equaled strength for men. And women were made to look like their husband. I read that this coin was used for the Berlin sculpture so she probably wasn't ugly after all and pretty like her sister.

Egyptian. Notice full lips and broad nose.

The same people saying she was only Greek then say she had some Persian and Sogdian Iranian ancestry. It's the black ancestry which enrages them. Why?

BTW, kings/pharaohs definitely had concubines. A monogamous king? LOL!


"This Netflix documentary is the SECOND documentary to speculate that Cleo could've been racially-mixed. The first one which aired a few years ago in the UK didn't receive the racist backlash."

Probably because the UK documentary was treating her ancestry as speculation, and basing its theory on evidence (i.e. the skeletal remains, which have since been debunked), whilst this 'documentary' is more of a docu-drama that is treating Cleopatra's 'Black ancestry' as indisputable fact. By all means, speculate, but don't categorically state something as fact on the basis of very tenuous and threadbare evidence. You're saying that Cleopatra could *possibly* have been Black, but it's all based on the possibility that her father had an affair with a Black concubine. There's nothing solid here, but simple speculation.


Both are docu-drama speculating. This program is based on the first program. I doubt that watched either of them.

No, it hasn't been debunked.

Pharaohs had concubines and lesser wives. At least he wasn't sleeping with his mother/sister/wife which was the thing in that screwed up family.

You have no problem with Persian, Iranian and Roman ancestry. But, black Egyptian bothers you. Why?


"From what I am seeing, criticize anything black = racism, criticize anything white = white supremacy, you just can't win. :P"

Well, that's going on for many years now. Just think back to Floyd and the whole BLM nonsense. You're a racist for pointing out that BLM is a scam and basically a domestic terror organization. All these people have, since they never have any reasonable arguments to begin with, is their good old "racist!" powerplay bullshit.

That is what makes leftists so dangerous. You cannot reason with them and by now they live in a complete fantasy world and no matter what facts you present or how reasonable your arguments are, their ignorance shields them from the truth...
