'the Future'

Ok so we have Anna Paquin now playing the daughter how many years into the future? what age was Alison when she died? that is the clue that she is turning that age.. but did anyone else laugh at how they are trying to 'back to the future' scene the future 30 odd years later? with the pills container looking like a smart phone? Haha


Allison was around 38 when she was killed. BTW- I loved the future stuff in that house. I do think that Anna Paquin is a realistic match to be Ruth Wilson and Josh Jackson's daughter.


felt like I stepped into an episode of Black Mirror.


Yes, but I wonder if it won't even being higher tech in reality..

Hopefully the future will resolve Alison's death as a murder and not a suicide..I haven't a clue how Joanie will dig up the past..
..It seems pretty tragic that her daughter (and everyone else) had to live their lives affected by a lie


Looking at the preview for next week she might be digging it up because shes trying to track down Ben


I can’t wait for that party firecracker that releases a unicorn in the sky to be invented. That was trippy! As was the weird indoor strawberry vines with drones tending to them.

Why was Joanie not stepping outside for her daughter’s party? Does she have agoraphobia?


That is what I was thinking too.
