MovieChat Forums > Whiplash (2014) Discussion > most overrated movie of the decade.

most overrated movie of the decade.

i wont doubt how well shot whiplash is, nor how good the acting is. if anything, whiplash is one of the best-looking and best-feeling bad movies ever made. i think that's why a lot of people were tricked into thinking it was a masterpiece because it looks and feels alot like one. but holy shit this script is so stupid.

firstly, none of these characters are likable. i don't mean they're fun to hate. i mean they're just terrible. miles teller is a complete prick who treats people like shit, and learns zero lesson and/or goes thru zero arc by the end. i actually wondered if he was on the autism spectrum but they never really explain or explore that. jk simmons is not "tough", he's straight-up abusive and psychopathic to cartoony levels. nobody would ever get away with that behavior (literally assaulting people and hurling chairs at faces), let alone the verbal abuse. even legendary NFL and college football coaches with amazing winning records have been fired for that stuff, and that's football. you think a bunch of nerdy band kids would put up with that? obviously, abusive teachers do exist, but i highly doubt anyone would last more than an afternoon doing what simmons does.

secondly, the idea of an abusive smooth jazz instructor is just silly. smooth jazz is a lot about being relaxed and easy. a band that's scared shitless of a sociopathic teacher possibly beating them up for not playing flawlessly would not sound very good. maybe if they had replaced the premise with, like, body buidling or boxing or football, things that are driven/motivated physically through anger, that could be a bit more realistic. but jazz? cmon.

third, the film has the biggest fuck you ending of all time. the film ends with jk simmons pretty much tarnishing his own career and reputation live on stage, just to get back at a 19-year-old. when the kid actually does a good job, he finally respects him, and the movie acts like this is some sort of reward? what??? congrats, miles teller won over the respect of a man who abused him physically and emotionally for a long period of time. what a great honor. and also, what a great lesson! if you're being abused, just try to win them over and keep trying until they're proud of you. fuck off.

damien gazelle is a good filmmaker, and la la land and neil armstrong movie are both way better than this. the fact that whiplash has somehow outlived the reputation of la la land is pretty confusing, considering la la land makes way more sense as a narrative.


Properly rated.

-It doesn't matter what the "feel" of jazz is "supposed" to be. It's about the obsession of being the best at it, or the abusive obsession in dragging the greatness out of somebody. There are so many horror stories of artists and what they went through to put out music, even if the music itself was supposed to be relaxed, or chill, or happy, or whatever. The genre of music is besides the point. For example, the Jackson kids or the Beach Boys went through abusive hell in order to put out "happy pop or rock" Another example is how some sitcom productions are horrible experiences for everyone involved, even though the product is about hehe and haha. The product itself doesn't matter.
-The characters aren't supposed to be likeable. That's part of the entire point. It shows both sides of the obsession and what it takes for some people to achieve the greatness. The movie doesn't pick sides. It's simply saying, this guy crosses lines to get greatness out of people because that's what HE believes it takes, and this other guy sacrifices relationships and humanity in order to chase greatness, because thats what HE believes is what it takes. It's neither good nor bad and the audience decides that for themselves.
-The end isn't about seeking Fletchers approval or earning his respect or showing him up. It's about "I've achieved greatness, I believe I've achieved greatness, and now I'm going to show everyone." Fletcher happened to agree in that moment.


The Message of the movie "If want to great at something. You need J. Jonah Jameson slap you around." Meanwhile Kanye West is counting his millions and snorting cocaine off a Hooker Navel. Jesus Christ.


It may be a well-written, well-acted movie that's exciting and entertaining, but it's pure bullshit. The way to musical greatness is not to find someone who will psychologically and physically abuse you. That's not how musicians are made.


Damien Chazelle was "flavor of the month" and that's how you get praise.
