This battlefield: Which camp are you?

Are you a Disney Star Wars supporter, satisfied and happy with what Disney have done with the franchise and yet are labelled as a shill, or an SJW, or any similar name for that reason?

Or are you against what Disney has done, in terms of ruining and killing off legacy characters in favour of the new Disney ones, and are collectively referred to as the Fandom Menace, the stalwart supporters of old Star Wars prior to the Disney purchase, and the EU to boot?

Myself, I would fall into the Fandom Menace camp, as I like the first six movies the most and, at best, have been disappointed with what Disney have done with the franchise.

So which are you? Disney or Fandom Menace?


Rogue One - Very Good
TFA - Very Good
Solo - Good
TLJ - Appalling
Mandalorian - Very Good

They have done a good job.


Oh God. What a poor taste! Your grading is a complete opposite to what a sensible assessment would be of these movies.


Most have high audience scores , majority of people like these movies , you dont , thats fine , opinions , we all have them


The only one of those I've had in my collection is Rogue One, which was the only one I would keep in my collection, to be honest. I've seen them all at least once, except Mandalorian, which I have no access to.

I suppose I just don't care for Disney Star Wars, mostly, because I just don't like the trilogy, so far. I don't hold out much hope for TROS, that's for sure - it looks like it will ruin the legacy of Anakin as well as Luke, and they're going to kill off several other characters in the MF, too. If it doesn't turn out that way, then I will be surprised, but my expectations are low. Oh, and I thought Solo was boring.


I love the original trilogy.

The prequels? Meh. They're largely inferior to the OT, but still enjoyable if you're not expecting anything special. They're a bunch of hit and miss, great moments packed with some embarrassing ones.

Disney ones? They're mostly unwatchable, copypaste, bad writing and political agenda. Only exceptions are Rogue One and The Mandalorian. Those two ones are no masterpieces, but (as it happens with the prequels) they're enjoyable if you know what to expect, very far from the OT, though.


I loved TFA. Yes, there is a lot of retread going on story wise, but there is also a lot of room for development. They could've done some really cool things with this sequel trilogy.

However, they decided to go a different route. They decided they didn't need to map out what they wanted to do, instead choosing to hire 3 different directors (1 fired), all of them wanting to do their own thing despite the fact that it was supposed to be a trilogy.

In all honesty, I don't think it would've been that hard to make something the entire fan base could love. They had resources, meaning people who know what they are doing, Dave Filoni, Jon Favreau, ect. They could've used them to craft an amazing sequel trilogy, which probably would've rivaled the MCU in terms of popularity.

And the saddest thing of all, at least for me, is that they completely wasted the last time we will ever see the OT characters. They meant so much to a generation of kids who grew up with their toys, comic books, lunchboxes, bed sheets, ect. and they wasted them...


I only like 2 Star Wars movies, Empire and New Hope. They are truly great movies and it's a shame that nothing that came after is even close. Force Awakens is probably closest but Last Jedi kinda made it a lot worse by existing, and RotJ is just kinda meh.

Probably not watching the new one in the thearer (will prob download it someday though) unless it gets really exceptional reviews. Hope they make something in the Star Wars universe completely separate from the main story someday, as the current one just seems creatively bankrupt

