So there will no further movies with Rey, Luke etc?

even though the 3 movies were criticized, i still think it's sad we won't see luke or even rey again....... what do you guys think?


Well, I think that they'll make more if they think they can make money. They clearly left things open with the "scene" of Lando asking Jannah about her past. If that character had been praised on reception, they probably would have green-lit a movie or series as we speak. As it is, I don't think anybody was champing at the space-horse-bit to see more, so...who knows?

They also left the "What did Finn want to tell Rey" thing dangling, even if they've brought it up in interviews or the novelization or whatever. They left a thread dangling there.

I think it's most likely that some of these characters will show up in other media. Maybe they'll make a TV show about tracking down the last of the First Order and Oscar Isaac will cameo in a couple episodes as the Resistance leader. Stuff like that.

For me, the story is, was, and probably shall always be the first three films. Luke's journey from boy to man, dreamer to Jedi is the essence of Star Wars and everything else has been a pale shadow. So, I don't really care at this point and probably won't see any further films.

The old characters - the ones I enjoy - are all gone, and the new ones don't interest me that much.

But the bottom line *is* the bottom line: if they can print money, they'll make movies. If you want to see more, send them a letter expressing interest. If that happens enough times, they'll make more.


yes, characters like poe and finn, rose..... were awful.
but kylo and rey had potential imo

they could have dog deeper with those two in future movies


Kylo was their best character but I think they wrapped up his arc completely in the third one, and I can't see them using him well in sequels. Prequels, I guess? But that would be taking the idea of a prequel (in Star Wars: bad idea) with the team at Disney (uh...) and wrapping it up in one, big, suck burrito.

I thought Rey was kinda flat. She didn't bug me or anything, but she was just kinda "there". Of the main three in the new films, I thought that Finn had the most potential: ex-stormtrooper who just wants to run. I love cowards as heroes, like Rincewind in the Discworld series. Poe was a good banter-buddy for Finn.

While I doubt I'd go see any sequels, I'd be far more likely to see "Finn & Poe: Space Adventure Buddies!" than "Rey: Jedi Who Sometimes Gets a Crying Scene!"


if they make comics or a Disney+ show about continuing the sequel trilogy story. then we will see Luke, Rey and the others again.


yeah....... not seeing mark as luke ever again in a real star wars movie, kinda sad, right?


They are literally making a Luke Skywalker series.


There's definitely a Rey something in the works. Nobody knows what it is but if they were smart it'd be a cartoon.


only few watch SW cartoons

need more movies, and better ones..... and it should be quick, so they still can show luke as a ghost and such


I personally don't care one way or the other, but Rey is an inspirational figure for young girls and they'd be fools not to capitalize on that. The adventures of Rey and BB8 is tailor made for hundreds of cartoons with no worries of budget or aging actors. And they have a seriously pressing need to fill Disney Plus up with fresh bingeable content. And I mean kids cartoons. Not these cool CGI Clone Wars/Rebels stuff. Actual kids cartoon.
