Palpatine was a clone according to Rise of Skywalker novelization.

Funny. This completely contradicts the TROS Star Wars visual dictionary that says Palpatine was kept alive by Sith occultists after ROTJ.

It seems Disney can't decide what is canon and what is not. But retconing is what they're best at right?


oh dear, what a mess , why didn't they just use Darth Plagues as the antagonist , could of had him slowly coming back to life after an attempt on his life all those years ago , would of made more sense

and whats to stop the emperor coming back to life again ? he survived the death star after all


the answer is simple and the same answer for every "why" question of the ST; disney was trying to profit through nostalgia alone. There is no Nostalgia for Plagues, the emperor is the iconic one. That is the executive reason.

from a story telling stand point, Rey is a hyper wish fulfillment character. this is why the story of the ST seems to regress everything back to the OT plot and characters so Rey could beat them again; but do it "right" this time. Because those losers from the OT couldn't get anything right. It takes someone perfect and awesome like Rey to do it all and get the job done; isn't she just so great. All hail Rey! See what I am getting at?


Agreed 100%




I thought the EU novels said that Palpatine was cloned, and came back as clones?

I just wonder if the clones had the same number of midichlorians (and thus Force power) as the original?


It gets worse. Palpatine's son was a clone too apparently. This means Palpatine didn't actually have sex, and Rey is not really his grandaughter.

So a non-force user conceived the most powerful force user ever in history. Fits right with Disney's SJW agenda.


The novelization tells more than that. Apparently it was an empty clone body that he transferred his essence into when he was thrown down the reactor shaft in ROTJ. The clone body was not perfect and the Sith occultists did, in fact, keep him alive.


You're looking for logic?

In Return of the Jedi, he falls down that shaft and then blows up in a pulse of blue energy. Then, when Lando and Wedge blast the second Death Star into smithereens, the Emperor's blown-up energy blows up.

But then in Rise of Skywalker, he's just back. Ta-da!

To quote Harrison Ford: "It ain't that kind of movie, kid."


Apparently it was yet another clone of his that fathered Rey's parents. This guy just had clones running around everywhere. Totally stupid.

Now the idea of an evil spirit-force using science to create bodies for him to inhabit with magic is cool. Sounds like a great Harry Potter villain. That just isn't Star Wars. It has no place in the Star Wars universe.


Exactly, these ideas might have worked in a different universe. None of it fits in the Star Wars universe; it maintains no continuity and story limitation consistency. You can't just make a new magic system the 7th movie in. and then completely change rules of possibilities in the 9th. Story telling does not work that way. There is something called LOGIC, and a fictional story creates an in universe logic. Any stories that come after in that universe has to follow that logic. There is the possibility of expanding an in universe logic but one has to be careful not to go too far. To say that TFA, TLJ and TROS went too far is an understatement.


It has a perfect place in the Star Wars universe. Remember the great fan-favorite character Boba Fett is the son of Jango Fett, a clone. He has the same capabilities as his father and then some. So why can't Rey have the same capabilities as the clone of the Emperor, especially one as powerful as him to begin with? She's still his granddaughter, just as Boba fett is still Jango's son.

Also if you have force ghosts in Star Wars, than you can have Jedi or Sith spiriits inhabiting physical bodies. Especially when you have a Sith lord such as Darth Sidious bragging about "unnatural abilities." Where's the problem? I say that anything goes in the Star Wars universe. After all it's not a universe awash in logic as it is. That's what makes it so unique. Let the logical fans have Star trek.
