What are the most pathetic excuses you've heard in defense of the sequels?

For me it has to be these three:

- Luke defeated Vader with no training also, he's a Marty Stu (also "well Indiana Jones always gets the girl and defeats the bad guys so he's a Mary Sue as well")

- In the end Star Wars is just about blowing up planet killing weapons

- The Force Awakens ripped off A New Hope no more than A New Hope ripped off Flash Gordon (because they both have a title crawl apparently).

Also I'm not sure if this last one is an excuse but there's also "you just don't like Rey and Rose because you are threatened by strong female characters" (yet I never had a problem with Sarah Conner, Ellen Ripley, Princess Leia, Tracy Di Vicenzo, Hermione Granger, Selina Kyle, etc.)


This is the defense I always get.

- I liked it. It was really good.

- It looked really cool when that Ship used Light speed to blow up all the bad guy ships.

Shows the intelligence we are dealing with.


Statements to the effect of, "I don't care, it's Star Wars, I love all things Star Wars. Star Wars, Yay!"


I wouldn't be surprised if some people have said:

"It's Star Wars, it doesn't have to make sense!"

Then again, my mother never liked that sort of movie, but one time, when she was sectioned, she saw the second half of Return of the Jedi and even she said that it "sorta made sense". And this is from someone who normally had no time for fantasy / science fiction.


'You just don't get TLJ's profound philosophical outlook and deep themes', typically followed by 'It's just a movie about space wizards with laserswords made for kids and not meant to be taken seriously'.


I know a few people who think the prequels and sequels are better than the originals.

They'll say:

"The originals are old and boring".
"The fighting is better in the new ones."
"The effects are better".
"I just think it's better".


You have to admit, ANH is really showing its age now. If it's not the overwhelmingly 70s feel like the hairstyles and costumes, it's the weird low beeping noise in the Death Star scenes, I never liked that noise.


Actually IMO the blu ray version with the touched up effects (especially during the death star battle) looks pretty good. I just wish it would not have all of its extra additional CGI background stuff going on. None of it was necessary. I am okay with them touching up the practical effects with CGI to make the quality look better but why all the extra CGI add-ons?

As for ESB, it still holds up almost perfectly even without touch ups. That is a testament to how amazing of a job they did for 1980.


Feathered hair parted down the middle will always be a popular hair style at any time, and in any galaxy! It's just that cool.


“It actually feels like Star Wars, unlike the prequels.”

No. No it doesnt. At all. The prequels at least have heart and are an honest attempt at telling a story. The sequels are hollow, soulless, and devoid of emotion.


Lol I remember that one “it actually feels like Star Wars” ha no it didn’t it felt like a fan fiction spewed out by a corporation more concerned with making money than telling a story. For all of the prequels faults it at least felt like George Lucas had something to say




Yeah this was an annoying one. Why does it feel more like the OT? because it has stormtroopers, star destroyer, etc and is basically a weaker visual carbon copy. None of that has anything to do with the lore or continuity of the themes of the OT. Those that thought it "feels" more like star wars and obviously doing a lot more 'feeling' than thinking.

The prequels for all of their flaws (and there are many especially in I and II) still get the 'feel' of Star Wars right. And at least Lucas tried to create new visuals and expand the aesthetics. You can say that the aesthetics looked to polished and I would agree but at least it was new and expanding and felt in place. What the hell is new about the ST, in terms of visual design? Nothing, it is almost exactly the same. Talk about no effort and no creativity whatsoever.


The only thing "new" about the ST is the identity politics and SJW agenda. Because of course that's what we go to see a Star Wars movie for.


True, you can say that the only thing that felt new was bringing a modern 21st century political tone that did not exist in Star Wars previously. The first 6 movies (even with how bad the prequels are) felt like they took place in a galaxy far away. You got very little semblance of any political tone, and if there was it was very subtle and usually touched on more deeper themes (such as rebelling against dictatorship and tyranny). This is one of the things that made the films especially the OT so timeless.

The ST films feels very, very much like were produced in modern Hollywood and came out in the 2010's. Because of this their notoriety will fizzle out into obscurity within 5 years, I hope anyway.


It’s funny how the prequel‘s were all about politics in terms of the story, but not in how the film was made.

I agree that the prequel’s actually feel like they were set in a galaxy far far away. See what you want but the prequel’s expanded the universe 100 times better than the Disney films did.


Yes despite episode 1 and 2 being boring and rather clunky with the exposition of the arrogance and strict adherence to institutional dogma allowed the jedi to become complacent while at the time the corruption of the republic being exploited by a power hungry politician (who also happened to be a dark side user). Then the wild card of a young very powerful jedi disillusioned with the shortcomings of his order and being interested in personal power and agenda (such as having a family) comes under the wing of that politician and has his master try to navigate the dangers of the situation but ultimately fails leading to the climax of Anakin falling to the dark side and the ultimate failure of the Jedi.

the story is actually remarkably good, it was just very poorly executed.

I said it before, but all Lucas needed was a better editor and maybe have someone else write the screenplay and direct and just use his ideas for the story.


Good list but 1 honorable mention I would like to bring up:

-'You'll learn more in the next one' or some deviation of endless and empty speculation of possible excuses for the compete and utter implausibility of the setting 30 years after ROTJ and the complete overpowering/lore breaking nature of the lead character Rey.

I think it is safe to say now, they never had an answer for any of it and all that empty speculating was just that, empty.


They got more undouched vaginas on screen.
