How are there remains of the Death Star?

It was blown up into a gazillion pieces... not into huge chunks.


This is easy to answer. It's because JJ Abrams is a hack writer who cares more about pretty imagery than logic or in-universe consistency. He's also supported by guys like Pablo Hidalgo, who'll surely find a way to retcon this into canon.



So was the emperor but he is somehow back too even if chunks landed on endor how is he still together? Lol


NTSB reconstructed it.


One of the many things I miss about when Star Wars was still worth being invested in, was being at least consistent and loosely grounded in reality when it came to the science regarding space.

Giant hangars open to space were at least explained away with "magnetic fields" to hold in O2. Han, Leia, and Chewie wearing breathers when leaving their ship on the unknown asteroid. Grievous causing hull breach to distract and escape. Etc.

Now is just baseless, inconsistent space wizardry and retcons. It's like bad B-movie stuff.


Fail director. A cool scene is better than continuity. The trailer depicted almost the whole thing intact.
