MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Question for fans of Star Wars and for t...

Question for fans of Star Wars and for those interested in World War II history

Does anybody know if this was unintentional and coincidental or if this was part of the writing of the film.

In the battle scene at the end of the movie, there strike me as possible parallels between the actions of Kylo Ren and Hitler during World War II.

1.In the air fight sequence, the First Order fighters are about to destroy the Rebel's aircrafts when Kylo Ren (and General Hux) are distracted by the Millennium Falcon, and the Rebel's aircrafts escape further attention.

Similarly, during the Battle of Britain, The Nazi Luftwaffe had nearly completely destroyed the hangers and runways of the Royal Air Force when the RAF (accidently) launched bombs on the German Civilian Population, and an enraged Hitler diverted the Luftwaffe from their strategic task to attack the British population. This allowed the RAF to recover and prevented a German sea invasion of Britain.

2.When the First Order is about to launch an assault on the rebel base, Ren is distracted by the (hologram) of Luke Skywalker. As significant as Skywalker is, he was strategically unimportant at that time, and Ren orders off the attack on the base in order to concentrate fire on Skywalker. That gave the rebels time to escape.

Similarly, Hitler was diverted in 1942 by launching an attack against the Soviet Union in the significantly named but strategically unimportant Stalingrad. The result was a decimation of German divisions which allowed the Red Army to launch a major offensive on the German army.


A close parallel for item 2 might be the D-Day invasion of Normandy. General Patton was sidelined for disciplinary reasons (striking one of his soldiers) and not part of the planned assault, even though he was the most effective US general. The Allies used him as a decoy for another red herring/fake invasion plan farther west, and Hitler was sure that the Patton would be leading the real attack, and deployed a lot of his military defenses against the fake invasion site. The Allies even put the fake invasion plans on a corpse so the Germans would find it when it washed ashore.


This suggests Disney employed people with an education. You only need to watch the movies to know this isn't the case.


The Empire has been coded Nazi since 1977. Also kinda coded English, and there's some Roman Empire in there, too.

WWII also influenced the starfighter sequences, which are modelled after WWII dogfight pictures.


No, WW2 has nothing to do with Star Wars. Star Wars is fiction while WW2 is a fact
