Another message for TLJ haters.

do you guys still want a remake of The Last Jedi? I been reading some YouTube comments and some ppl still want a remake.

for example:

1: "Great, now remake Episode VIII."

2: "nothing can fix TLJ unless they remake it."

3: "There is no fixing after mess like TLJ. it can only be forgotten or remake."

4: "I like how everyone has a complaint about 8. but no one is stepping up to do a fan made remake, of 8.
I can almost guarantee any fan who does will be treated the same as 8's director."

it looks like some people still want a Remake. but sadly it won't happen and it will never happen. because Star wars is not the type of Franchise that remake there own movie.


Who the bloody hell is asking for a “remake”?

This ain’t “Game of frickin’ Thrones”.

Just END this stupid trilogy and be done with it.

And come back with a more charismatic cast and a better script for the next trilogy.

Do you know ANYbody dying to see Adam Driver’s ugly face again?

Neither do I!



dude calm down. if you don't like this trilogy then don't watch it.


Wee wee poopoo caca, kid.

You weren’t even born when most of us became fans.

So your opinion doesn’t count about the overall quality of the franchise.

I’ll bet you couldn’t drive a 6-speed manual or make a cup of coffee without using a Keurig.



ok. whatever.


Well played. For his final exam, let's see him open a glass Coke bottle. :D


ok boomer.


Is this some kind of drone automatism that comes into play when you don't have anything meaningful to say?
I ask this because I saw that a lot of stupid people use it to make themselves look smarter.


I want the sequels and prequels uncanonised. Then i want Irvin Kershners and Gary Kurtz force ghosts to remake all of them with Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman and Ian McDermid back in their roles since these are great actors who was mistreated and had to work with horrible scripts which would've made anyone look terrible. Put John on the music if he is still up to it but it isn't absolutely necessary. George Lucas can be a part of it if he does what he did with OT and stays mostly in the background giving ideas while letting others put them together into something coherent.


uncanonized the sequels and prequels? what?


What is sounds like. Make them uncanon. They could do it with the expanded universe so why not.


don't Make them uncanon. they are great star wars movies.


Only great for memes.


no. not for memes.


uncanonize ROTJ while you are at it.


No , we just want to forget this travesty of a movie ever got made, step in to my delorean and get back to good old 1983 and tell Lucas to make the prequels now in the 80s and end it there, the end.


Oh, and tell him no special editions and han always shoots first.


And "I'll try spinning" isn't a funny line.




Translation, the last jedi is a terrible movie.


no it's not.

reply is.

If all the whales on the planet took a crap at one STILL wouldn’t match the stench of this current trilogy.

If nothing can’t get any worse.



no it's not.

the last jedi is the best star wars movie ever made!!!!


That is simply a matter of your onion.

A rotting, two-layer onion with a decaying outer layer.



Then you don't know Star Wars and must be far too young to appreciate the essence of what made them great, this movie goes against everything that made them so great, this is some little attention seeking twerps artistic vision of what he believes should be a star wars movie just to be different and stand out, its a cluster fuck of biblical proportions.


yes. I do know star wars.


Did you watch the OT in the 70s and 80s ?


I wasn't born in the 70s and 80s.


I know, I could tell immediately in the posts above hence I asked , my work is done here.


ok. wherever.


I’d rather they just erase the Disney films from canon and then just stop making them


if you don't like them, then don't watch them.


It's not that easy, now I have the knowledge that that triumphant moment at the end of ROTJ when Luke redeemed his father and became the hero that saved the galaxy is now completely worthless and meaningless.


you don't have to believe in everything that disney tells you. you can make up your own story.


It is dead.
It can't be fixed.
Disney put idiots in charge.
It is over...just walk away.


no. it's not over. it can be fixed. The Rise of Skywalker will save the sequel trilogy.

TROS will make Star Wars great again.
