Never seen hype dial down so fast

Seriously, its like this movie doesn't exist anymore. I hear nobody talk about it. No fan theories, no fan speculation. Its so quiet. Its different when you compare it to TFA or even Rogue One.
Not really a good sign for Lucasfilm and Disney...


that's kind of the way it goes for every film today.


Not with Star Wars it doesn't. That was the power of Star Wars. Seems like times are a-changing.


People haven't remembered The Force Awakens other than to bash it.


Too bad they decided to create their own crap SW versions instead of reading some of the cool SW books already out. Oh man, what I would give to see a Thrawn trilogy of sort.


Even the new Disney approved new canon books are great. I'm reading Lost Stars now and its amazing. Why can't they make movies of those stories?


Lost Stars was amazing. In fact, any of the new canon books by Claudia Gray are great. She's pretty much the "new Zahn" in my opinion.

That said, Zahn's new Thrawn book is rad as well.


They should really make a movie about Lost Stars. So cool and awesome.


I'd be down. Have you read any of the other Claudia Gray books?


Not yet. I currently only have 2 SW books. Tarkin and Lost Stars. Have to finish Lost Star and then start with Tarkin. And you?


I’ve read all three of her books. The other two are centered around Leia. They’re awesome.


"Eight years after the fall of the Old
Republic, The Galactic Empire now reigns
over the known galaxy. Resistance to
the Empire has been all but silenced.
Only a few courageous leaders such
as Bail Organa of Alderaan still dare to
openly oppose Emperor Palpatine.

After years of defiance, the many
worlds at the edge of the Outer Rim
have surrendered. With each planet's
conquest, the Empire's might grows
even stronger.

The latest to fall under the Emperor's
control is the isolated mountain planet
Jelucan, whose citizens hope for a more
prosperous future even as the Imperial
Starfleet gathers overhead...."

I'll give it a read. It seems that even those joining the Empire seemed disheartened after witnessing horrific acts. Why can't the empire be like the US of A? Like you can still be the strongest military, bully other planets, but act more accordingly so that people just don't outright start joining the rebellion I say.
