MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Rian Johnson Says ‘Star Wars: The Last J...

Rian Johnson Says ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ Backlash Gave Him “Dark Hour Of The Soul”


Fuck rian johnson.


I wish moviechat had an upvote button. Fuck that guy.


It SHOULD give him a dark night of despair. Instead of trying to join and extend the communal vision of the mythical world of star wars, he tried to bring something different. That would be fine if he had something profound and transcendent to offer, but he only brought his own self-centered ego and also acted as a conduit for Disney's nefarious desires into the film. His version was oh so "random", rather than the supposed "bold and fresh" direction the critics slavishly claim it to be.

“There’s nothing I’ve read or seen that’s made me think, ‘Oh god, I did kind of mess that up, I would’ve done that differently if I could go back,’” Johnson said. “I still genuinely believe in all the decisions I’ve made.”

Frankly, this is the sign of serious narcissistic tendencies, showing he can find a way to excuse himself no matter what valid criticisms arise.

If you've read even a few critiques of the movie or just paid attention yourself you'd know that there are numerous gaping problems with the movie that can't be written off as a misunderstanding by the viewer, and the fact that he is in full denial of these demonstrates that he's accepted the path of the dark side.


Exactly. Who in the hell says this? If you look at all the criticisms (and you could write pages upon pages about the issues) you can clearly see whats wrong with it. Its truly amazing how he cannot even see 1 fucking thing he would have done differently.... NOT EVEN 1?!


Obviously he wouldn't admit mistakes publicly, especially shortly after release. On the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised if he'd still stand by these claims 5 years down the road. Guy's delusional.


His version was oh so "random", rather than the supposed "bold and fresh" direction the critics slavishly claim it to be.

Yeah, I don't get the bold and fresh comments either. I wouldn't say random, I would say that his new direction was literally a lot of nothing and no ideas. It resulted in a very subtractive film that literally didn't add anything. He just whittled the Resistance down to a group small enough to fit on the Falcon, he got rid of Snoke, he got rid of the potential that he was handed with Rey, he got rid of Luke, and that's it.

A whole lot of anticlimactic nothing.


Well if you put it that way....
sums it up pretty good lol. you could just skip TLJ.


Those quotes...yikes. Tonedeaf and narcissistic are no ways to go through life, kiddo.


Rian says 95% of responses have been good


So he clearly lost the reamining parts of his mind :) !




I'd like to give him a swift kick of the ass...and then a shattering jack of the jaw! Because he's the knuckle of the cunt...
