6m weekend

will finish under 620m total


Its already removed from most of the cinemas. Its not fun anymore to see how huge this movie crashed comercailly. Without the presold tickets this would be one of the worst commercial failures in movie history.


It has not been removed from most theaters or even half...it started at approximately 4000 and has been reduced to roughly 3000...that's around 25%. My best info on pre sales says no more than 300 million in ATS...that would still make it a billion dollar flick...devastatingly disappointing...not a failure by any stretch...


Completely wrong. Most theaters only kept it on schedule cause they had a 4 week schedule at their contracts. After that 4 weeks most of the cinemas removed it, cause this movie is an economical desaster. Read the according article.


Boxofficemojo lists theater count every day it plays...it's listed as aprox 2500 today...but at the time of this post we were still on their Thursday estimates and then it was just over 3000. The 4 week stipulation required theater owners to play the film on the venues best screen...most theaters will keep it around after so as to squeeze it for every dime it's worth as the agreement with Lucasfilm also required theater owners to fork over an unprecedented 65% of BO till.

Considering it made a profit you can't call it an economical disaster...one reason being it has nothing to do with an economy...financial would work better along side disappointment...financial disappointment...

I believe accompanying is the word you wanted for the article...the article that I do not see anywhere??? But not to worry...here is a link that will prove my figures correct


Theater count is the black numbers between the red and purple figures .


i guess pre-sales were a smart move on their part... I wonder if it will work next time...


Thats the point. The problem is that KK already lost a lot of reputation. TLJ was the Star Wars movie which lost most at the box office compared with its predecessor. So TFA was already a huge disappointment for movie goers. And now they are even more disappointed and therefor he presold tickets will be even less.


So TFA was already a huge disappointment for movie goers.

No. The general assessment of TFA was largely very positive. For example, 88% audience score on RottenTomatoes. Way better than TLJ's 49%, obviously. TFA of course had excellent box office returns, too.


One of the great mysteries of our time.


It was a great disappointment cause the presold tickets for TLJ went south (maens way less people were so excited about it to trust their money in advance) . Thats part of the reason why TLJ became the biggest losing sequel in Star Wars history.
