MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Spot-on analysis of the fanboy reactions...

Spot-on analysis of the fanboy reactions to "The Last Jedi".

This blogger looks at all the "fanboys" raving about how much they hate "The Last Jedi", and does a much better job of analyzing their irrational responses than I ever could.

This is how the rational people see you, haters-who-call-yourselves-fanboys!


No one calls themselves fanboys, as it's considered an insult. And if they do they are foolish.

I've read hundreds of reviews of the movie, and most of them are pretty accurate and point to the same things. The person who wrote this "analysis" is the real "fanboy", in that they blindly defend a movie regardless of whether it is good or not.


The person who wrote this also racist and sexist as well as stupid.


Let me translate the OP for people who aren't retarded:

"Dear sheep who are disturbed by those who are capable of understanding why the Last Jedi was yet another placental afterbirth of typical Hollywood dreck, come congregate at my stupid website. There we shall mock the people who are smart enough to notice patterns, appreciate good writing, and care about art that uplifts the soul. Instead of shitty CGI, one-dimensional characters, gay-ass political propaganda, and industry nepotism."


Yes, anyone who dares criticize our beloved Star Wars to any degree obviously hates all women and all minorities because you can always gauge a person's bigotry based on what movies they like. Also, everyone should always be in 100% agreement at all times because that is how opinions work.

BTW, this is coming from someone who liked two of the three Disney Star Wars movies so far. I liked Last Jedi but I'm an adult so I understand that sometimes people hate the movies I like and that I hate the movies other people like. I can (and often do) argue the merit of films and I can be very passionate about it, but I'm not going to be daft enough to assume that since someone doesn't like a movie involving spaceships and goofy aliens that they hate any particular group of people because that would be fucking stupid. It's shit like this that make people hate the movies and fandom. It also distracts from legit sexism and racism.


Oh, please don't think I'm trying to insinuate that the fanboys are a bunch of racists and sexists!

Because I'm actually trying in insinuate that they're a bunch of butthurt crybabies who are freaking out because they're not being treated as the center of the Star Wars universe, in fiction or in terms of business.


Oh, please don't think I'm trying to insinuate that the fanboys are a bunch of racists and sexists!

You and the person who wrote this article think only white straight men have criticisms for this movie. You also think that all of their points as to why they don't like this movie are bullshit that they don't really believe; the true reason why they don't like the movie is because there is a focus on women and minorities which is a bigoted mindset. So yes, you are insinuating that critics of this movie are a bunch of racists and sexists.


I'm not trying to insinuate you're a sexist, racist moron either--I'm TELLING you directly that you are.


I didn't like the movie but I applaud it for the fact that it made so many pathetic losers suffer.

So at least something entertaining and enjoyable has come out of it : the pain of the people I despise.

That article is complete trash, however: they just respond to stupidity with even more stupidity.

Besides, both sides are wrong because the point of Star Wars is to sell merchandise not to tell stories.

Get a clue you stupid fanboys : you are irrelevant now and nobody cares about you.

Your money is not good enough for Disney : they want the money of the rich children's parents, not the few pennies that some broken millennial students make cleaning toilets while they fail at college because they're too busy jerking off over Padme's sexy body in Attack of the Clones and making ridiculous youtube videos about Snoke being Mace Windu...


Typical SJW mindset (meaning anyone that doesn't agree with me is either racist or sexist)

People only bring up 'gender' or 'diversity' in these movies, because it's more of a forced box-tick to please the likes of the OP.....than an actual choice on the film-makers part.

The OP (like most SJW's) isn't going to be happy until you agree with them (therefore you'll be a 'bigot' of some kind until you do?)

The OP (like most SJW's) doesn't even have an opinion of it's own.....and has to cite other blog articles as a poor replacement for their own opinions? And of course, anyone who disagrees with the bloggers original opinion.....will have the OP to deal with...because they are used to jumping to defence of the so-called 'downtrodden' (regardless of whether they want help or not?)

The OP (like most SJW's) wants to re-write definitions of existing words (therefore anyone that 'dislikes' the movie, is somehow labelled a 'fanboy'???) But hey, never let logic get in the way of an agenda.

The OP (like other SJW's) will not desist until they get the response THEY want (alongside 2+2=5....Black *is* White....water is dry) so everyone is best off depriving them of the attention (that they're most obviously, not getting at home)

For the record, TLJ was catshit out of a dog's arse.....Don't like my opinion.....then go smash up your local starbucks! (I'll be too busy hanging blacks from lamposts and raping women to notice.....obviously!)

Oh yeah.....and killing gays too!


"I saw hundreds of men openly loving deeply flawed projects like Stranger Things, Deadpool, and the Blade Runner remake. "

Blogger hasn't got a clue what's going on.


"I saw hundreds of men" Now it all makes sense what this blogger is REALLY on about...


I don't care about the opinions of this blogger any more than I care about this turd sandwich of a movie.

Also, that 50% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes and the fact that almost everything I've personally spoken to offline (strangers, friends, coworkers, family, some dude in a checkout line, etc) dislikes The Last Jedi pretty much blows this idiotic argument out of the water. This was a polarizing movie and people like this moronic blogger and others on this board act as if it's some "vocal minority" when, in reality, it's so much more.


Vocal minority made up of only white males.. don’t forget. The women and non white males that don’t like the movie, figments of everyone’s imagination.


Yeah, my wife hates this movie as well. Perhaps this Otter guy or that retarded moron who wrote that blog will accuse me of just lying about my wife saying it or that I don't have a wife at all or something.


I asked a friend about the movie before seeing it and he liked it but said much of what people don’t like it about it was true. He also said his wife pointed out to him the behavior of the female characters treatment of the male characters and he started seeing it after she mentioned it. She didn’t care for it. She saw what supposedly isn’t there and can only be seen by insecure white males.


Yeah, my wife hates the Rey and Jyn characters and hates how white characters are being diminished in these movies just to make a political statement. It's funny because she isn't white and she's female. Feminists HATE it whenever I bring my wife's views of this material up and usually just call me a liar.


I'm also married to a kickass woman and we both loved Wonder Woman, Kill Bill, and other movies that happen to have female heroes. But of course, anytime I criticize the new Star Wars movies, it's "U hate teh womenz".


LOL! Yeah, it's ridiculous. I forgot to mention Kill Bill--we love those too. Beatrix is a great example: she kicks a$$ but almost dies. She is both strong and vulnerable like a real person and she didn't win easily.
