MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > How excited are you for this Star Wars f...

How excited are you for this Star Wars film as compared to Star Wars films of the past?

How excited are you for this Star Wars film as compared to Star Wars films of the past?

I was remember always being excited for each one of the prequel films as they came out. Despite the flaws of those movies I looked forward to them, and got excited about it.

I was excited for The Force Awakens as it was a new story for Star Wars. However this new film I just feel indifferent towards it. I'm going to go see it, but my excitement levels are not what they use to be for star wars.

I don't know if its because there are so many big effects films being released now. With all the superhero movies being put out. That I'm becoming burned out on big epic block buster effects films.

Anyone else feel this way, or relate to what I'm saying?


I was more excited to see TPM as was everyone else. TFA was just a curiosity for me as I was wondering how Disney would continue the saga. As we all know by now, it was rebooted back to the OT again so the rebels could defeat the empire once again. I like watching movies in general so I will probably see this twice in the theater. Big screen 3D is pretty sweet.


I'm going to go see it the second weekend it's out. I'm hoping there are some surprises in the film that will catch me off guard.

I feel for me personally that Star Wars won't be a special treat anymore, because of Disney putting out a Star Wars film each year. I fear that it will burn itself out like star trek did back in the 90's.


6 movies in 6 years is not a good trend. Your right, people might be burnt out by the last one, if there is one.


I buy into hype easily. I'm quite excited seeing this film on Friday.


TFA kind of sucked the excitement out of me for this one. I still want to see it but excitement level is below what I had for TFA and the PT.


I am just looking forward to the 3D.


The least excited of all the SW movies. It’s over folks. The original inspiration is long gone. You’re throwing money at formulated Star Wars flavored entertainment hashed out in a board room


Even though it's been damn near forty years since a Star Wars film (TESB) totally blew me away on first viewing and exceeded my high expectations, I STILL have a huge fan-boner for "The Last Jedi"!

Sure, it'll probably be disappointed to some degree, but that doesn't stop me from being hyper with anticipation.
