white Egyptians?



by slhma10 ยป Mon Feb 29 2016 14:55:58
IMDb member since January 2013

Three options:
1) Egyptians were not as retarded as people of today.

2) Egyptians were ruled by the Greeks for 300 years (or so).

3) This is all made up, like Ra, the Sun god.


Because if they were all black, the movie wouldn't have made as much money. Black people don't care about movies like this. White people (and all other races besides blacks) do. Is it racist? Yes. Does it make more money? YES.


You do realize there was plenty of black people in this movie, especially the god of wisdom was black. You might be racist and only see white.



Why? Because the targeted audience is mainly white.


Really..and white people want to see white Africans ...hmm why is that?? Why wouldn't white people in general want to see a reasonable depiction of Ancient Egypt?

Its not like its in Europe? Its like having a white Montezuma i mean wouldn't they aware that the Indians would be at least tanned?..hmmmm i just don't understand that level of superficiality .

Personally if they wanted a mainly white cast let them be abit more tanned or black face..lol ..rather than straight out of Scandinavia..you will fined more Olive people in Italy and Spain .Than in that telling of Ancient Egypt...oh unless all the blacks or browns are slaves...lol

Which is so weird...


They could have been for all we know.


Why not?

King Tut has been demonstrated to contain the same genes as many Eastern European men, races aren't as divided globally through all time like many of us seem to think.

White people didn't pop up somewhere in the 15th century.

It is entirely possible that they were present in small numbers in various communities, not really that plausible, but possible enough.

No racism required, you Americans are just very troubled, and have issues seeing reality clearly, everything must be perceived now through a racial lens.


Because it was made in the white mainstream Anglo world, funded by white mainstream Anglo world and marketed to the white mainstream Anglo world's audience.

In a nutshell.


This is true. I'm a whitey and can see it. White actors in a movie backed by white investors to sell to white people. That's where they think they will make the most money.

Not intentionally racist, although could be perceived that way. For the investors it is about the bottom line.

....but really what do you expect from Hollywood?
