So...Ghost Protocol or Rogue Nation??

There's no wrong answer, I'm just curious to see what other people think. I loved both films, but I was blown away by GP (had no real expectations going in), while I did have high expectations for RN (and it surpassed them for a while...but I ultimately felt it didn't live up to them, though I enjoyed the film very much).
So while loving both films, and reserving the right to change my vote upon rewatch, I have to go with Ghost Protocol.


Ghost Protocol. Had more fun with the characters and set pieces- overall more enjoyable.


I just rewatched Ghost Protocol yesterday to attempt to make a fair and unbiased assessment. I must admit I have to give the win to Rogue Nation. To me, there are more and better action sequences overall in RN.

I will give Ghost Protocol the most amazing and visually stunning stunt with the Dubai scene. Tom Cruise busting out that window and running down that glass building to the MI theme tune will never ever get old. And Cruise was working that suit in Dubai.

But overall, RN has the better overall story/humor/villain/etc AND they had the better female lead/actress.

I've already seen RN twice and ready to see it again, but I just only watched GP for third time since it came out, so I think that says something.


Ghost Protocol because Brad Bird knows his craft a whole lot better than this new guy. Didn't like how any of the characters were written in Rogue Nation...really didn't like the writing of anything, actually. Plot in RN felt photocopied. The action scenes in RN were super nice, maybe even better than GP, but GP had better filler mostly because I could care about the characters.

Summing it up, RN felt empty, while GP was more lively and original. Brad Bird is a great director (but seriously, what the heck was Tommorowland?), and I feel like Chris is still learning.



Rogue Nation because IMO it has a better story and brought me back to the spy thriller realm of the first M:I movie.


i'll go with Ghost Protocol, nothing can beat scenes in Dubai

my previous sign was so bada$$ they deleted it.


Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation.

Jack Sparrow: "Look." [shoots the monkey] "An undead monkey! Top that!"


I liked both movies but Rogue Nation had way more epic scenes like the water scene, opera house, plane and motorcycle chase. The female lead had more screen time in Rogue Nation than Paula Patton did also .

Although, I did like Paula Patton. The villain female chick in Ghost Protocol was only in the movie in the very beginning and middle-endish. I wanted to see more.

Rogue Nation had more action to me.


What I didn't like about Rogue Nation is how Jeremy Renner and Ving Rhames were totally underused especially Ving (If you remove him from the film, it wouldn't even affect the film at all). I loved what they did in Ghost Protocol, everyone had a time to shine.
