So...Ghost Protocol or Rogue Nation??

There's no wrong answer, I'm just curious to see what other people think. I loved both films, but I was blown away by GP (had no real expectations going in), while I did have high expectations for RN (and it surpassed them for a while...but I ultimately felt it didn't live up to them, though I enjoyed the film very much).
So while loving both films, and reserving the right to change my vote upon rewatch, I have to go with Ghost Protocol.


Ghost Protocol has become my favorite movie in the MI series, therefore Ghost Protocol is my pick. Rogue Nation had a lot to live up to, and I have to say that it did turn out to be a superb entry in the series. It probably doesn't have the epic feel of its predecessor (even the awe-inspiring plane opening doesn't quite compare to GP's famous tower scene), but the excitement level is still pretty high. Furthermore, in terms of suspense and intrigue, Rogue Nation is as good as the MI series has ever been (easily rivals the original).

You want something corny? You got it!


Ghost Protocol was silly, predictable, and everything came down to luck. The big scenes were not that exciting. I mean who could make the Burj Khalifa boring? Apparently they could... Nothing tied in together. There were too many superfluous scenes, just to justify the run time, and add a little Deus Ex Machina trope and you got the reason why the got someone else to do the next one. I could name all the head scratching moments, but the movie was so forgettable, nothing but what I said at the time comes to mind.

Rouge Nation, made sense (well for a Mission Impossible film). Had exciting scenes: The Opera was beautiful, the under water was very creative, the chase scenes were well done, and the plane! It had an understandable, though not exactly original story (ahem Specter)but MI movies are supposed to be formula, so it did that well. Nobody was whiny like in GP, and they all acted professional.

I can't see why/how anybody would like Ghost Protocol over Rouge Nation.


This (Rogue Nation), by far. Ghost Protocol left a lot to be desired. But I hardly remember that film because I watched it like a month ago. 😪

This is the most entertaining film I've seen in quite a while.


Ghost Protocol a lot better and is the best from 1 to 5.
more intensity, more laugh in cinema
the whole story telling, the scene, a lot smooth and clear.
all 4 main actors, their character is very clear.

Rogue Nation - a bit waste Simon Pegg as comedy actor.
a bit boring if compare to mi4.

mi4 is too good, mi5 not bad, but can be better.


Ghost Protocol. At least it wasn't all TC all the time.
