Mac's old friend

I wonder if he's going to turn out to be a bad guy. I can't remember the last show that brought in a good old buddy of one of the main characters where it didn't end up in betrayal.


Of course he will turn bad, nobody related to Gary Busey can ever be good. ;)


Lol, true enough. I wonder which cliché they will follow: He is unredeemable and is killed by Mac in the end, or he has a change of heart from betrayal guilt at the last minute and helps the gang win the day, but he is killed in doing so.


Putting other shows aside, it’s fair to say that this “cliche” has become almost like a running gag on AOS. Ever since the early episodes, this has happened several times throughout the show’s run. Therefore, if Mac’s friend appears again (Jake Busey always gives me bad vibes, lol) it would be surprising if he doesn’t turn out to be a bad guy—and one that sets the team up.

But to AOS’s credit, they OWN this type of “twist”. Regardless, his character did come off as sincere.


I donno, what's there to betray them with? It's literally the whole world against Shield.
