MovieChat Forums > The Babadook (2014) Discussion > Disappointed with the hatred towards thi...

Disappointed with the hatred towards this film.

Before I start, let me just say that I respect everybody's opinions towards film, because in the end, ones' taste is subjective. If we are going to give our 2 cents to a film, then we must respect the opinions that differ from ours.

Now that I put that out of the way, I'm a bit confused as to why this film receives so much trashing from the general public. "The kid is such an annoying brat!" - Uh, yeah, have you ever been in a grocery store, mall etc, and saw a single mother with dark circle under her eyes, exhausted with her hair tied in a knot trying to keep her screaming kid under control? It's not that uncommon. Furthermore, do you know any widowed mother whose husband past away and has only herself and child to look after? The lack of compassion is crazy on these boards; I guess we're all perfect in our private lives after all.

Nobody seems to recognize good filming when they see it. The use of sound (sans the dragon noise, which is debatable), lighting to set a dreary and depressing mood, very small glimpses of The Babadook, no pop-up scares, and great acting make for a great thriller. Horror isn't just about visceral violence and shocks!

Now, I watched The Conjuring & The Conjuring 2, but I honestly don't understand how those films received a 7.5 while this received a 6.8? A multimillion dollar budget was put into both and they used it for CG monsters and people flying through the air. It's all been done before. They were both well-made, but mega-budget homage to The Amityville Horror doesn't keep me up at night with the lights on.

Has the art of subtlety died? Because storytelling and 'mood' doesn't seem to be a priority for a moviegoer when watching a horror film.

This is the only film that kept me up with the lights on. The last time that happened was when I saw Deliverance when I was 13 and The Exorcist when was 11.


The backlash comes from the boring-ness in terms of the films pacing and the creatures design. The creature is not scary, it looks like the cat in the hat in a trench coat. Perhaps if they had edited the film better and come up with a more frightening monster than it would have gone over better. The only unsettling scene in the film (spoiler) was the husbands horrific car crash and his head being severed.


I heard nearly overwhelming praise and so I watched was a good scary movie Afrodome, I didn't see any hate


Are you kidding? People either love or hate this film. Subtlety doesn't cut it with the youth anymore. I'm sure this horror movie is effective with most people over 40. Especially women.


No, I'm not kidding


If it's universally loved, then how come it's rated with a paltry 6 on imdb?


It's 6.8 on IMDB with a Metascore of 86 and 98% on the Tomatometer


It took me like several attempts across several years before I finally finished the film. I think the point when I finally began to love the movie was the flip near the middle when you realize that, it's not just that the kid is an annoying brat, but that the mom is an abusive, grieving mother that has been pushed to the breaking point. The fact that the movie forced me to shift my loyalties seamlessly while re-contextualizing the first half (my god, he has all these battle strategies and traps is because his mom has probably been abusing him since the father died lol) is a testament to the quality of the film imo.

I remember when this movie first launched, its feedback on /x/ was extremely polarized (that was part of my initial interest in checking out the film actually). I can see that tho.

I think a decent amount of the negative feedback is because some ppl didn't "get it". I'm not being an elitist dick, but I've heard some ppl make comments like "why would she feed/take care of the monster at the end" or some stupid shit like that. But on the other hand, I think a decent amount of the feedback is because the flow of this movie is unlike most horror movies. And other psychological thrillers as well. I don't think it's just the death of subtlety.

This movie occupies a strange niche between more "popcorn" horror films like the conjuring, and arthouse horror like It Follows, It Comes At Night, or Vvitch (I'm not even sure I'd consider the vvitch horror). That's why I think this movie has a stranger position. Cause yeah, you know not everyone's gonna like shit like It Follows. But I think Babadook has issues with both audiences.

Also lol, I also felt like Pet Sematary (the original) was far scarier than The Shining. It wasn't as well acted, but I think it's a far effective horror. I'm also biased against the shining but *shrugs*


The hatred comes from squares that prefer a-jump-scare-a-minute graphic Hollywood horror movies.
