Spierman has a chubby Asian friend? Oh, okay. The love interest is some random caramel-skinned girl? Okay. FLASH IS MIDDLE EASTERN!?

So painfully obvious.


yeah, how dare he isn't a bigot like you. how dare he?


It's hilarious watching idiots whine about non-whites appearing in movies. Get used to it, pumpkin--whites are soon going to be the minority in the US.


That's exactly what I was thinking as I watched. Too bad they weren't more concerned about making a good movie though. This has got to be the worst of the Spiderman movies and not because of the actors.


Ned is Asian in the comics, but went by Ganke.

Liz Allen was black or mixed in the cartoon. Her character initially thinks Peter Parker is a loser and she is the girlfriend of Flash. And she had nothing to do with Vulture. So, if you're complaining about her skin color, it doesn't really work (she was a person of color before). If you're complaining about a severe character change and departure -- all of the characters have changed a lot from the comic storylines.

Flash Thompson was definitely a change, but actually a welcome one, because he was always portrayed as the buff jock that shoves Peter against a locker. This time he's more of a privileged intellectual bully. I don't mind this 180 change in the character to move away from the classic high school bully cliche.


It's okay to be white.



I suppose it's hard for movies to get the diversity balance right these days in order to please people. With films like this it's "too diverse". Cast all white actors and actresses and "there's not enough". A few but not that many and it's "the token black guy".
