MovieChat Forums > Arrow (2012) Discussion > Smallville might be the best DC show out...

Smallville might be the best DC show out of them all

They kept his powers in check by only starting with the strength and speed. His support network at first was only his parents and slowly adding one friend each subsequent season. Being in high school helped with all the drama because people expect that nonsense from teens, not grown folk.

All the other nonsense isn't as bad because this was the first time a lot of us were experiencing it. Either that or the good stuff was just so good that we tolerated the bad. The bad didn't really get that bad until later seasons when it was obvious that the show should have ended already.

What's worse about the new shows is that I never remembered getting bored from and ignoring the action bits in Smallville. Right now Flash has the best fight (mostly because they have to get creative with the only the good guys have is moving fast), and surprisingly, Arrow has the worst (how the Smurf do you screw up Kung Fu?!?). Supergirl is just retarded. Someone waved a candle at her and she jumped to the floor.

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I thought Smallville was the most ridiculous thing ever. Basically they were doing everything they could to avoid mentioning the word Superman and it was hilarious how Clark basically beat all the major Superman villains, some of them a few times over, before he even became Superman. Some of the cast members like Hartley, Durance, and of course Rosenbaum were really good but Welling was really wooden at times and some of the supporting characters were really annoying. It was a show that should have lasted 4 seasons.



**Christ died for your sins, was buried and rose on the 3rd day. Turn away from sin and to Christ**


Best live-action DC show, because we all know Batman: The Animated Series is the best DC show of all time.

Don't Jûdgê a Boôk by Its Movîe


I agree. Smallville had its ups and downs like most shows but it always had what none of the DC shows today have, a really solid base. Sure there were some bad storylines from time to time but you gave it a break because you knew underneath it was a great show. The new DC shows haven't earned that. Clark/Young Superman was played perfectly by Tom Welling. He was also the only hero in the show unless they were doing a team up episode. There weren't fifteen other "heroes" begging for the spotlight like every DC show these days.

Every character had a specific personality, again unlike the current DC shows. Smallville had the best live action Lex Luthor to ever grace the screen played by Michael Rosenbaum. One of the best Lois Lanes in Erica Durance and many other great supporting actors.

A lot of people love the early seasons but honestly 8,9, and 10 were always my favorites. Not only do we get season long villain arcs but we finally get the heavy hitters (Doomsday, Zod, and Darkseid).

Don't get met wrong I still like the current DC shows, even though they're currently on a downward swing for me, but if I had to choose between Smallville existing and the current DC shows existing I'd pick Smallville.


Bump for smallville


I remember watching Smallville many years ago.
It wasn't particularly great.
Arrow is far far far better. And Flash is even better.
I haven't seen Supergirl, so I can't comment on that show, but of the 3 shows mentioned above, Smallville is the worst.


Isn't Smallville very much of a high school drama, just that it's starring DC characters? Could never get in to it. My... "non-love" for Supes doesn't help but still.

Anyways. I think Arrow is the best of the three current shows. Legends is sort of their own ballpark and I dislike Flash because of the CW drama and the fact that I can't stand Iris and Caitlyn.


One thing I would like to say is Smallville had the best opening theme song.
