MovieChat Forums > julianwelton

julianwelton (16)



Thank you for bringing up Superman killing Zod in MoS! I hate when people talk negatively about that part and say "Superman would never have done that". What's he supposed to do?! He's been Superman for a day there's literally no prison that can hold him, no weapon that can hurt him, he doesn't even know what Kryptonite is. Anyway, I've always hated this "no killing no matter what" nonsense. All it does is cost innocent people their lives. Think how many people would still be alive if Batman killed The Joker. Their motto should be "Do not kill unless you absolutely have to" because that makes sense. That's what I'm saying! She's just a human! Humans can't react that fast. Once we hear the gunshot its already hit us. As far as the name, I think Cisco did call her that in one of the early episodes this season. Smallville didn't do that really. The only non hero series regular who got powers was Chloe. Lana doesn't count because she got powers and then left the show like two episodes later. I assume you mean that they added characters with powers to the show? Which is not the same as what the current CW shows do which is give every non hero powers. Why is Barry the hero of the show again? What sets him apart from the other three speed characters? Oh, that's right, nothing! One of many things Smallville excelled at that none of the current DC shows get right is that Clark was the hero. He was one of a kind. Not just his powers. He had the heart, head, and resolve that set him apart from every other hero on the show. He called the shots, he didn't make mistakes often, he always lived up to the title of hero. The problem with these DC shows is Greg Berlanti. He's in charge of them all and he doesn't know what he's doing. Hey, Greg, a lesson doesn't need to be learned EVERY episode. He has one of these supposed heroes acting out of character, making dumb mistakes, or misunderstanding basic human emotions EVERY single episode because apparently that's the only story he knows how to tell. Of course heroes need to learn sometimes and of course there'll be drama on the team but only a few times per season and NOT every episode. Why? Because it makes the heroes look bad. It makes them look dumb, and childish, to the point where you don't respect their characters anymore. Actually to the point where they no longer are specific characters because you constantly have them doing inexplicably dumb and out of character things. The only CW DC show I can currently stand is Legends of Tomorrow. It has the best cast with the most diverse personalities and it's just a fun, wacky, ride. Except he IS supposed to be smart, tactically at the very least, and they've said as much on the show before. Even John, a highly trained soldier, called Oliver "one of the smartest men he knows" in an episode a while back. The problem is that there are no characters on Arrow there are just people who do whatever the writers want them to do that week. It's frustrating. No, because we saw Joe after she was taken and as far as we know there is only one device. When H.R. could have made the switch I don't know. Perhaps he went to Earth 2 and took her aside and made the switch without anyone knowing or when Barry and Savitar were busy spinning in circles and Joe was trying to get a shot on him and the others were giving Barry Intel H.R. went in dragged Iris to cover and then used his device to swap places with her and sacrifices himself. We'll see how they do it but its definitely H.R. because he gave that little goodbye speech and everything. Except that incident wasn't bad writing like it is on Arrow. Flashpoint was just a big mistake made at a very emotional time for him (*SPOILER ALERT* When his father was murdered right in front of him). Oliver constantly does stupid things for some reason. He's supposed to be smart. He's supposed to be highly trained. He's supposed to have experience but none of that factors in when he decides he's going to do something that is obviously stupid (i.e. climb that elevator shaft without checking for traps when its the only obvious way out and etc). Oh, 100% its H.R. in that future disguise technology. He saved Iris while everyone was worried about Savitar and switched places with her. He felt responsible for her capture, wanted to right that wrong, be a hero, and pay them back for everything they've done for him. Here's the thing, can Barry use his speed to, I don't know, GET HIM TO THE HOSPITAL! Yep. That's also my biggest problem with these shows. Arrow is especially bad in this department. I'm in the middle of the newest episode... I just can't stand her anymore. Or this show. I really can't. She keeps saying "why didn't you back my play when I always back yours" when she doesn't. She's gone against his plans and orders so many times it's laughable. She's done it at least three times this season alone. Every episode of Arrow is the "prove the hero is fallible" episode that regular shows only have once or twice a season. Why do the writers constantly undermine the lead character of their show? We should have faith him. It should be a surprise when he fails. A shock when he is beaten. But this never ending string of defeats, embarrassments, rebukes, and etc is insufferable. He's not a hero he's just an incompetent fool with a bow. At least that's what the writers keep telling me. I was supposed to be done after last season but I got tricked by a friend into watching this season. I can't wait to be done with this show for good in a few weeks. I liked it too. Not sure the ending makes sense though, as a system of life and death, I mean. View all replies >