Real Purge Night

Would you like a real Purge night and if there was one what would you do?


Absolutely not. Its a terrible idea. Anarchy does not work in any form.


I'd rob a bank, i prefer money to violence! Although if anyone got in my way i would chopped off their head with a machete


Not sure, depends on the day, but I think it's an interesting question from a sociological view.

If I didn't want to participate any more than the minimum of protecting myself, I think what I'd do is leave home. I'm in an apartment and can't afford the good protection. Early afternoon that day, I'd wander to a woods and climb up a tree to hide for the night or something. I wouldn't pick where beforehand. Because if I haven't even decided where beforehand, there's no way for anyone else to figure it out.


nobody want s a real purge night

its just a teenage boys wet dream about being able to run around smashing shit up and hurting people.

hence why its a succesful movie series , despite being one of the dumbest movie premises ever.


I'm not a terrible person so I could never kill someone. I'd probably just rape someone and call it a night.
